Dr Wendy Dearborne

I Will and or I Am Which Has The Most Potential For Success?

Attractioners, yesterday I asked the question, “Which statement says consciously and subconsciously you believe in your desired manifestation?” a) I Will b) I Am a) I will, speaks of the track your mind is on and that Attractioners, happens to be disbelief. Until “I Will” transforms for into “I AM” you won’t and don’t have what you are wanting. Many of the things you say “I will” do to, don’t ever get done. Yet when you verbalize something by saying b) “I AM,” you have invoked the Universal Laws and set into motion the manifesting of what you want.  Why does it work that way? Because you’ve claim that which you want without reservation. Understand the power of your words. Know that which you speak of.  When you say “I AM” it means you have bound yourself by energetic fusion […]

The Four Agreements To Close Out Year

Good Morning Attractioners: This book has come to my attentions several times over the last 3 weeks. Don Miguel Ruiz “The Four Agreements” Click here to get your copy from Amazon   So this is the book that we are going to finish this year out with. If you have already read this book. READ IT AGAIN! If you haven’t read Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements. Much of it is worth the read. It can, I feel, support you in laying out a foundation on how you may want to approach life, which has the ability to circumvent many of the obstacles that we place in our own way.   Don Miguel Ruiz in his book “The Four Agreements” lays out what appears to be a simple road map by which to live your life by. It’s important that […]

Free Life Coaching: Getting Ready For 2017 & Beyond

What do you want to happen for you in 2017?  It’s time to dust your old dreams off, rekindle your passion, create a plan and get in action.  Many people never realize their dreams or tap into their fullest potential, because they don’t know what to do.  They look at the end result in all its glory and simply become overwhelmed or underwhelmed.  Both feelings lead to a kind of paralysis that ends up in getting nothing done.  One week rolls into two which rolls into four and the next thing you know, it’s December 31st and you haven’t done a thing other than wish for the thing you want.  Whether it’s getting in shape, remodeling your home, going into therapy, learning a new language, becoming more spiritual, whatever it is that you want to manifest you’ll need a plan. […]

Are You Thinking From or Of Your End Goal

How much time do you spend thinking about what it feels like to have manifested what you are wanting for your life verse the struggles you are experiencing to get it? Thinking from the end, verses of the end, and of course how to achieve your end goal is the nuance between getting and not getting it. Many people work so hard, so diligently with discipline and faith and yet, what they are asking for doesn’t materialize? Why? Now, the answer to that question is the key to greater understanding. Attractioners, it boils down to understanding the powerful difference in the nuance found in “of and from.” We have a tendency to complicate things in our lives. This is primarily because we choose not to do our own due diligence and build our lives on what we have been told. […]

Do You Struggle With Your Emotions Dictating Your Choices?

How many of you struggle on a daily basis knowing what you need to do, yet feel like you are being emotionally pulled in a different direction? If what you need to do is based in fact…fact being something that is unchangeable…no matter your emotional or fictitious state, fact will always be in your peripheral vision. Or put another way, it will always be in the forefront of your mind. Fact will be nagging you, not in a bad way, but letting you know that there is another option for you to choose from. Making choices based on your emotions can be dangerous. Our emotions are mercurial. They change from one moment to the next. And in truth, that and letting us know how we feel in that particular moment is what emotions do. The role of your emotions is […]

Am I Praying and Affirming Right?

There is a right way to pray and a wrong way to pray.  Affirmations, much like prayers have a right and wrong approach too.  Praying and affirming both use the power of your spoken word, along with intention and attention for a desired out come.  When it doesn’t happen or turnout the way in which you wanted you’re left wondering, “What happen?  Why didn’t God help me?  Why didn’t the Universe manifest what I wanted?”  You’ve been told that all you have to do is pray and ask for what you want or affirm what you want a hundred times a day and you’ll get it. WRONG! WRONG!! WRONG!!!  If it were that simple your life would be exactly the way in which you want it.  Yet, ironically it is as simple as that when done the right way. Unfortunately, […]

Love vs. The Universal Law of Love Part II

Part II Beyond the norm that we know to be associated with the word love, it is actually an immutable Universal Law whose definition is all about transmutation or “movement of change.” The Universal Law of Love isn’t about the warm and fuzzies or the cold and frigid. The Universal Law of Love governs the transmutation within the manifestation process. Again, it’s about the movement of change. Trans = move; Mutate = change.   The movement of change or the Universal Law of Love is required to move energy into form and out of form. No manifestation takes place without this happening. This is why it has been said that love will conquer all.  But be very clear, this adage isn’t talking about emotional feelings.  Feelings, might I point out, can and will change from minute to minute.  This adage “love […]

Love vs. The Universal Law of Love Part I

Today’s blog turned out to be very long, so I decided release it in two parts. The word love is bandied about a lot and used to describe a myriad of our feelings.  It’s used as a form of expression to show the degree of attachment, affection, feeling and or passion that you have formed with people, places and things.  You say, “I love ice cream, books, movies, clothing and Manolo Blahnik shoes etc. Or I love you to the people in your life. Yet, the love you’re speaking of differs from child to that of the love you show to your parents, from spouse to siblings and from friends to coworkers etc. It also differs between books, music, movies shoes etc. It’s important to understand that love is a word that describes your personal feelings.  And rightly so, after […]

Unforgiveness of Self Is Holding You Back In Life

Forgiveness isn’t just about being and saying sorry or an act of contrition or consciously acknowledging what you may or may not have done wrong.  Forgiveness has way more value in our lives than a simple contritious act of being sorry.  It is far more reaching than that.  All religious, spiritual and metaphysical doctrines speak, teach and preach at length about forgiveness.  What isn’t said is that forgiveness frees up mental, emotional and physical real estate so we can use that space to create what we want in our lives. The Universal or Spiritual Laws state clearly that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time.  If your mind is filled with guilt, blame, shame, fear, anger, hatred, hurt, revenge or trying to figure out why etc, there is no room for you to use that space […]

Changing Your Trajectory With Vowels and Consonants

It’s amazing how your imagination, thoughts and words, can change the trajectory of your life.  Past, present or future tense, singular or plural each vowel, each consonant and each syllable that you choose to use plays a major role in how your life will unfold.  What sets them into motion are the choices that you make; and the choices that you make are predicated on what you are wanting for your life.  So my question for you today is simply this “have you defined your life or are you defined by life?” You see you get to choose if you define your circumstances or whether you are defined by your circumstances.  In other words, is what’s going on in your life controlling you?  Or are you in control of what’s going on in your life?  The nuance here is huge.  […]