Do I Need To Adjust The Dial On My Self-Talk?

If your life has spun out of control or you are currently spiraling out of control and or your life is filled with an over abundance of drama or you are just plain and simply out of whack, you may want to consider adjusting the dial on your “self talk.”

Now, Self Talk is that “seemingly” inane endless chatter that goes on and on inside our heads, 24/7…even when we are asleep.  It’s the way in which we communicate with ourselves about what’s going on in our internal and external worlds.  It’s the conversations and visualizations that we all have with our permanent resident “me, myself & I”.

You see, yourself talk creates the balance in your life.  You cannot change people places and things, but you do have control over how you choose to think, visualize and respond. It’s fair to say that while the scales of your life may fluctuate, situations in your life shouldn’t have you majorly spiraling in any one direction.  And, if they do, and you are spiraling, for goodness sakes, please, let it be upward and joyous!

So how do you use SELF TALK to establish balance in your life?  That begins with you consciously choosing to want something different in your NOW. If you have said, “I don’t know why this is happening to me?  I hate my life?  Stop the world I want to get off!  I need another pair of hands or 26 hours in a day,” then you have stated eloquently, to “The Powers To Be,” at any rate, that you want something different.   Now all you have to do is go get it!

You may well be asking how you do that, but before I answer, I just want to throw this into the pot and give it a good stir.  You know the conversations and visualizations, the mind chatter that we do?  Well, just as an FYI that chatter manifests into your reality, the life that you are living and the life that you are going to live!  Change the internal dialog and vision and you will change your reality.  I want you to think about this; the closest person to you, is you.  You may think, based on how unsatisfactory your life is turning out being the closest person isn’t working out very well.  Unsatisfactory outcomes aside, you do trust you.  And whats more you trust you implicitly.  Your life wouldn’t move in any direction if you didn’t make a choice.  To make a choice you have to trust self. Your life, the one  you are currently living is a result of that trust.  You took your advice, mentoring, coaching, consulting and therapy and the end result is where you find yourself today.  And if the end result isn’t what you want.  Change your internal dialog.

Simple, yet complex.  Isn’t that the true nature the life we are living?  Here’s your starting point, get clarity around what you are wanting for your life, in this moment.   Not later, not tomorrow, not next week, next month or next year, but in this moment.  NOW!

You accomplish this by asking yourself this simple question:  Fill your first name in the blank, then ask yourself one of the most self-empowering questions in the world, “____________what am I wanting for my life in this moment?”   Don’t judge yourself, stress, force or strain.  Be honest.  Be authentic. Have no expectations; just allow the answer to come through you.  The answer may be accompanied with a rush of emotion and or feelings, but whatever you experience it will be enlightening.   Once you have the answer to that, you can begin creating the balance you want for you by asking yourself the next question. “What does this thing I want look like?”  And so it begins with getting clarity.  Get your PDF with all the intrinsic questions you will ever need to free your mind and get clear on what you for your life at our Facebook group in the file section under The Golden Questions!

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