Monthly Archives: March 2022

Which Eyes Are You Using?

You, like me and many others have been taught that seeing is believing and as a result of this off kilter teaching, you try to manifest and live your life in this way.  And you continue to do so even though time after time, after time, you’re shown categorically that this way of manifesting doesn’t work.   It can’t work.  It won’t work simply because your life is an internal manifestation with an external expression.  Your life is always lived internally first and manifested or brought into form second.     Consciously manifesting is intrinsic work that is carried out internally, first.  And when the desired manifestation moves into form, or becomes tangible, it then becomes extrinsic work that can only be carried out externally.  This is also true of unconscious manifesting too. Takeaway:  Perhaps we need to take the phase seeing […]

Nine Years Later And I Still Don’t Feel The Need To Ask Why?

WHY? The Taboo Word In Coaching! As a coach, intrinsic or otherwise sometimes to get to the heart of the matter you just have to ask that age-old loaded question “why.”  There are several different coaching styles that I have studied and they all say the same thing, “never ask a client why” as it puts the client on the defensive and of course shuts them down, effectively cutting communication, trust and new and forward thinking. As a spiritual counselor, the word “why” was used, not frequently, but used none-the-less at points during a session.  You can imagine during my training as a coach, and I freely admit that at first it was hard…very hard not to use and ask that three-letter word…WHY!   Eventually I got it.  I intellectualized it before I realized it and could integrate it into my world. […]

Are You Living In Your Expectations Of God?

Yesterday’s meme asked the question, what are your expectations of God The Universal Creator, or whomever your chosen deity is?  When you understand what your expectation or expectations are, you can then align yourself with them, and always live within those expectations.  Meaning, you can live your life according to your expectations or within the parameters that you have established, knowing that you can add to them as you evolve.  Eg. If your expectation is that God will always manifest that which you ask for, then you can live in the expectation of that happening.  It also means that you won’t engage in sabotaging self-talk.  You asked God for the money to pay…you fill in the blank.  But you continue to worry about where you’ll get the money from and how you’re going to make this payment on time.   If […]