Monthly Archives: April 2016

Hush: Your Intuition Has Something To Tell You

Intuition:  Accurate insight and knowledge attained from sources unknown.  We all have access to our intuition, which means that we all have insight, accurate insight on the best choices to make for any given life situation. However, based on the fact that we as humans, tend to be afraid of the unknown, or we dislike being uncomfortable, we err on the side of caution and go with what we know or what feels good.  More often than not, this doesn’t serve our purpose well.  And in consciously using the Laws of Attraction, ignoring your intuitive directives will create a setback with our manifestation.  Can you get passed your fears and can you train yourself to use your intuition? Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore those two […]

What Is A Soulmate?

Major thrills, chills and heady excitement, that at times can feel almost overwhelming is what many men and women experience at the inception of a new relationship. They are both on a heightened sense of alert and stimulate the body to create a mind blowing cocktail of dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine, mixed with surges of adrenaline and testosterone.  This literally produces the physical response of chills or at the very least butterflies in the stomach. Added to this both men and women are earnestly looking for the answer to that age-old question, “could this be the one?  Is this my “soulmate?” The general view of a “soulmate” is an intimate, loving relationship or partnership, in which two people are bonded by a deep connection that seems to defy any logical explanation.  There is a simple rightness about being together, because […]

Is Your Mental, Emotional, Physical And Spiritual House In Order?

Click here to join the live conversation or call in 646-727-2759 Far too often in our lives, in spite of doing “the work needed,” the things that we want to manifest, don’t.  For all intent and outward purposes we are doing all the right things.  Affirming and or praying to conceptualize our vision into a habitual thought form. We are engaging our emotion via our five senses as Dr. Wendy has suggested that we do.  And yet, we get this close, to our desired manifestation that we can taste it and see the golden flecks of success in its eyes.  And then, chaos ensues and it slips away from our grasp.  With the resilience that is an intrinsic part of our ability as humans to continue to thrive, we shrug off our misadventures saying, “it wasn’t for me or it […]

Am I Asking The Right Questions of God?

Click here to join live or call in 646-727-2759 We talk to God.  We pray to God.  We beseech God, rale, cry and scream at God.  We walk with God. We have other people liaise with God on our behalf.  We accept the blessings bestowed upon us by God, and readily reject that which we call accursed.   We do all of this on a daily basis and, yet, are we asking the right questions of God?  The current state of your life, your health, wealth, finances and your relationship with self and others will answer that question for you.  Talking with God isn’t something that you can learn, as in how to pray or recite an affirmation.  All that is good and has its place in our spiritual evolvement, yet, talking to God isn’t something that you learn; it’s something […]