Monthly Archives: January 2016

It’s Not My Fault This Happened To Me

Everything in your life has come to you via choices that you have made. In fact during lectures and talks, when I have stated this fact people have walked out, become downright hostile, hurled angry words at me or burst into tears. All of them in their own way are saying, “that’s not true. I didn’t do anything!” My response to that is simple, “Oh! So you don’t think so?” Here is an interesting short experiment for you to try which will support you in seeing YOUR truth of this fact. Throughout my life when I would bitch, whine, moan, cry and complain, bitterly about an injustice that I felt had been perpetrated against me, much to my annoyance, my Mum would always ask the same question.  “What did you do!?”  WTF! LOL!  I didn’t actually say that to my […]