Monthly Archives: December 2015

As 2016 is heralded in, this is one of the most important questions to ask yourself! When you ask this question, ask it in the first person narrative and then answer with your Truth, with what’s authentically right for you. Once you have done this know that you have taken the first step in creating the life that you have been born to live. Your life is all about the choices that you make, the decisions you choose to act on, the thoughts you choose to impact your life. If the scope of the thought for this week creates to many moving parts or it’s to big, then change it to “what are you wanting for your life in this moment?” Start there! Facebook group: Website: Blab:  Vimeo: Twitter: Instagram: Blog Talk […]

Understanding The Universal Law of Discipline

Discipline: Definition: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; a training. As a Universal Law, Discipline adds much value to your manifestation process. Much like belief, faith, silence, gratitude and space, the Law of discipline is one of the Universal pillars that support you in staying focused on your objectives. Discipline improves usability, efficiency and productivity of all the other Universal Laws. It hones and sharpens their individual and collective actions. Like all the other Laws, when not used correctly the Universal Law of Discipline will show you what needs to be done, allowing you to course correct and keep yourself on track. Without consciously using the Universal Law of Discipline, it makes it that much harder to navigate the Law of Attraction and manifest what you are wanting for your life. It promotes conscious awareness […]