Daily Archives: December 27, 2015

As 2016 is heralded in, this is one of the most important questions to ask yourself! When you ask this question, ask it in the first person narrative and then answer with your Truth, with what’s authentically right for you. Once you have done this know that you have taken the first step in creating the life that you have been born to live. Your life is all about the choices that you make, the decisions you choose to act on, the thoughts you choose to impact your life. If the scope of the thought for this week creates to many moving parts or it’s to big, then change it to “what are you wanting for your life in this moment?” Start there! Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Thelawsofattractioninaction/ Website:     https://www.thelawsofattractioninaction.com Blab:           https://blab.im/wendydearborne Vimeo:        https://vimeo.com/drwendydearborne Twitter:       https://twitter.com/wendydearborne Instagram: https://instagram.com/drwendydearborne/ Blog Talk […]