Dr Wendy Dearborne

Are You Asking Yourself The Right Questions?

Attractioners, this is an important thought 4 your week. You see, the questions you are asking yourself are currently giving you the answers that you’re acting on, thereby creating the life that you are living. So what questions are you asking yourself are must be designed to support yourself in getting the answers for the life that you are wanting to live? The first Law in the Laws of Attraction is choice.  Your vision or what you are wanting to manifest is your choice, so all questions must be created around that… your vision and what it looks like to create it.    “What does it look like to take the very first step in creating your vision?”

No More Excuses

An excuse is a choice NOT to do what you know you must do, or take the action needed to support what you are wanting to manifest in your life. It’s important that you know and understand the difference between the two. 1) An excuse, is you looking for a reason not to do what you said you WILL do. 2) A choice, not to do what you said you WILL do, is you making a conscious change, because you’ve found a better way.   Your inability to understand this nuance can undermine your ability to attract what you are wanting for your life. So the next time you don’t do something you said that you WILL do, ask yourself if you’ve just found a better way, or are you looking for an excuse.

91 Year Old Entrepreneur Successfully Enters Spice Trade

This is an amazing story that is filled with many beautiful poignant moments. From an Attractioner’s perspective, he knew what he wanted without a doubt. He understood the reasoning behind what he wanted and that created a foundation for him to build upon. I’m not lost to the fact that his creation keeps his relationship with his wife very much alive. However, that too supported him is seeing cHarissa moving and evolving, living and breathing. He’s vision for the tasty Moroccan spice, transcends his life expectancy he’s creating a legacy that will change the world. Or at the very least encourage and inspire people to know that age is not a factor, when you are wanting to manifest something into your life. Fun, passion, clarity, choice, right thinking and action, right action are all contributing factors for the Laws of […]

The Repository of Your Mind Holds Bricks & Mortar

Our history is our past experiences put “back” into a safe and trusted place. That place is called the repository and is located within our minds. Everything that has happened in our lives has happened for our highest good. You see, it’s not about what has happened, it’s all about what you “THINK” about what has happened. Then, the action you choose to take based on what you are thinking. Are you taking action on historical experiences that are best left within the safety of the repository of your mind? Or do you need to reframe and FIND the blessing in your past experiences allowing it to be use as leverage to move forward, in a conscious way? A way that you choose, verses being dragged along and only to be left wondering how did I get here!   Today […]

Cancel That: How To Stay Focused On Your Goals.

One of the biggest challenges I face on a second by second, minute by minute basis is keeping my mind focused on my intention. My intention is what I want to manifest for my life. However, I am painfully aware of the truth in this adage “energy flows where my attention goes.” So, it’s imperative that I stay focused on what I’m wanting to manifest for my life and not the things that have already come and gone. What about you? As much as I dislike this sport with a passion, I can help making the analogy that we are like a boxer in a never ending bout, being bombarded by multiple stimuli that are hurled at us from all directions. Deflecting head and body shots to keep focused on winning the belt is no easy task. In your daily […]

It’s Not My Fault This Happened To Me

Everything in your life has come to you via choices that you have made. In fact during lectures and talks, when I have stated this fact people have walked out, become downright hostile, hurled angry words at me or burst into tears. All of them in their own way are saying, “that’s not true. I didn’t do anything!” My response to that is simple, “Oh! So you don’t think so?” Here is an interesting short experiment for you to try which will support you in seeing YOUR truth of this fact. Throughout my life when I would bitch, whine, moan, cry and complain, bitterly about an injustice that I felt had been perpetrated against me, much to my annoyance, my Mum would always ask the same question.  “What did you do!?”  WTF! LOL!  I didn’t actually say that to my […]

As 2016 is heralded in, this is one of the most important questions to ask yourself! When you ask this question, ask it in the first person narrative and then answer with your Truth, with what’s authentically right for you. Once you have done this know that you have taken the first step in creating the life that you have been born to live. Your life is all about the choices that you make, the decisions you choose to act on, the thoughts you choose to impact your life. If the scope of the thought for this week creates to many moving parts or it’s to big, then change it to “what are you wanting for your life in this moment?” Start there! Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Thelawsofattractioninaction/ Website:     https://www.thelawsofattractioninaction.com Blab:           https://blab.im/wendydearborne Vimeo:        https://vimeo.com/drwendydearborne Twitter:       https://twitter.com/wendydearborne Instagram: https://instagram.com/drwendydearborne/ Blog Talk […]

Understanding The Universal Law of Discipline

Discipline: Definition: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; a training. As a Universal Law, Discipline adds much value to your manifestation process. Much like belief, faith, silence, gratitude and space, the Law of discipline is one of the Universal pillars that support you in staying focused on your objectives. Discipline improves usability, efficiency and productivity of all the other Universal Laws. It hones and sharpens their individual and collective actions. Like all the other Laws, when not used correctly the Universal Law of Discipline will show you what needs to be done, allowing you to course correct and keep yourself on track. Without consciously using the Universal Law of Discipline, it makes it that much harder to navigate the Law of Attraction and manifest what you are wanting for your life. It promotes conscious awareness […]