Power of the spoken word

I Will and or I Am Which Has The Most Potential For Success?

Attractioners, yesterday I asked the question, “Which statement says consciously and subconsciously you believe in your desired manifestation?” a) I Will b) I Am a) I will, speaks of the track your mind is on and that Attractioners, happens to be disbelief. Until “I Will” transforms for into “I AM” you won’t and don’t have what you are wanting. Many of the things you say “I will” do to, don’t ever get done. Yet when you verbalize something by saying b) “I AM,” you have invoked the Universal Laws and set into motion the manifesting of what you want.  Why does it work that way? Because you’ve claim that which you want without reservation. Understand the power of your words. Know that which you speak of.  When you say “I AM” it means you have bound yourself by energetic fusion […]

The Four Agreements To Close Out Year

Good Morning Attractioners: This book has come to my attentions several times over the last 3 weeks. Don Miguel Ruiz “The Four Agreements” Click here to get your copy from Amazon   So this is the book that we are going to finish this year out with. If you have already read this book. READ IT AGAIN! If you haven’t read Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements. Much of it is worth the read. It can, I feel, support you in laying out a foundation on how you may want to approach life, which has the ability to circumvent many of the obstacles that we place in our own way.   Don Miguel Ruiz in his book “The Four Agreements” lays out what appears to be a simple road map by which to live your life by. It’s important that […]

Are You Thinking From or Of Your End Goal

How much time do you spend thinking about what it feels like to have manifested what you are wanting for your life verse the struggles you are experiencing to get it? Thinking from the end, verses of the end, and of course how to achieve your end goal is the nuance between getting and not getting it. Many people work so hard, so diligently with discipline and faith and yet, what they are asking for doesn’t materialize? Why? Now, the answer to that question is the key to greater understanding. Attractioners, it boils down to understanding the powerful difference in the nuance found in “of and from.” We have a tendency to complicate things in our lives. This is primarily because we choose not to do our own due diligence and build our lives on what we have been told. […]

Am I Praying and Affirming Right?

There is a right way to pray and a wrong way to pray.  Affirmations, much like prayers have a right and wrong approach too.  Praying and affirming both use the power of your spoken word, along with intention and attention for a desired out come.  When it doesn’t happen or turnout the way in which you wanted you’re left wondering, “What happen?  Why didn’t God help me?  Why didn’t the Universe manifest what I wanted?”  You’ve been told that all you have to do is pray and ask for what you want or affirm what you want a hundred times a day and you’ll get it. WRONG! WRONG!! WRONG!!!  If it were that simple your life would be exactly the way in which you want it.  Yet, ironically it is as simple as that when done the right way. Unfortunately, […]

Changing Your Trajectory With Vowels and Consonants

It’s amazing how your imagination, thoughts and words, can change the trajectory of your life.  Past, present or future tense, singular or plural each vowel, each consonant and each syllable that you choose to use plays a major role in how your life will unfold.  What sets them into motion are the choices that you make; and the choices that you make are predicated on what you are wanting for your life.  So my question for you today is simply this “have you defined your life or are you defined by life?” You see you get to choose if you define your circumstances or whether you are defined by your circumstances.  In other words, is what’s going on in your life controlling you?  Or are you in control of what’s going on in your life?  The nuance here is huge.  […]

Is Not Keeping Silent A Bad Thing For The Law of Attraction?

The Universal Law of Silence is multifaceted and malleable like all other Universal Laws, with the exception of one. Many people don’t realize the value and the magnitude that consciously choosing to keep silent has on how the Universal Laws of Attraction will work for them. You’ve heard the sayings, “silence is golden.” Or the proverbial adage, “if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” Or the one I love, “shut the bleep up!” When consciously using the Laws of Attraction there is a reason for maintaining your silence, and that reason is not about being secretive or sly or cunning. It’s about creating an energetic dynamic within self, so that you can communicate with your self or your Christ Consciousness, Higher Self, Your God Mind, Spirit or whatever term makes you feel comfortable. […]

Stand Your Ground You Know Who You Are

Today I was browsing the isles of my favorite clothing store.  In fact, today is my designated, thank you for being you Wendy and all that you do for you day.  And for that I’m giving back to myself.  What this translates to is, I’m going to shop till I drop, for whatever I want.   So, I’m browsing the isles looking at some, umm, how do I say this?  Really uuuugly stuff and I can’t but help over hear the conversation between the extremely peppy sales assistant and a new customer to the store. The assistant is seriously digging though the shirt isle.  Ladies you know the one I mean, the side wall that runs the length of the store?  Yeah!  That one!  Where the merchandise is displayed at three levels.  And woe is you, if you are attracted to […]

I’m Sorry But; Isn’t An Apology It’s An Accusation

What happens when we don’t communicate effectively there is disintegration and undermining of understanding, which leads to irrational behavior.  When cooler heads prevail or hindsight is the new view finder lens an apology can be made.   This is where it can and many times does go radically wrong again. One of the most important things that any couple can do when apologizing is OWN their feelings. This isn’t even about owning up to what you or they have or have not done.  Let’s face it; for the most part, all parties are aware of what’s gone on.  It’s not like it’s a surprise. Let’s dissect it this way. When someone says “I’m really sorry that I shouted like that, but, you always make me so mad!”  There are three things that are fundamentally wrong with that apology. Shifting the blame […]