Dr Wendy Dearborne

Is Not Keeping Silent A Bad Thing For The Law of Attraction?

The Universal Law of Silence is multifaceted and malleable like all other Universal Laws, with the exception of one. Many people don’t realize the value and the magnitude that consciously choosing to keep silent has on how the Universal Laws of Attraction will work for them. You’ve heard the sayings, “silence is golden.” Or the proverbial adage, “if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” Or the one I love, “shut the bleep up!” When consciously using the Laws of Attraction there is a reason for maintaining your silence, and that reason is not about being secretive or sly or cunning. It’s about creating an energetic dynamic within self, so that you can communicate with your self or your Christ Consciousness, Higher Self, Your God Mind, Spirit or whatever term makes you feel comfortable. […]

The Drivers Seat In Your Car Is For You

In order to be able to drive a car you need to learn the basic fundamental, so you and your vehicle and the people around you will all arrive at the desired destination safely. It’s necessary to know how to stop your car in enough time not to cause a collision or to be able to avoid one. Knowing how to steer your car and keeping it on the correct course so you can get to your desired destination is a must. All the while as you are driving you are observing the road conditions giving you the opportunity to course correct…whatever that means, for you to get to where you want to be safely and in the time frame that you specified. Part of being able to consciously use the Universal Laws of Attraction effectively is understanding that you […]

Your Life Is A Contractual Agreement With God

Have you ever wondered about the people in your life, especially those, who to put it mildly, you can’t abide to be around or being around them drives you to want to drink? We make agreements with other souls, who are members of what is called our soul cluster and we are members of theirs. The idea is that we’ll support each other to attain our highest soul growth, by what appears to be, any means necessary. We are all in this dimension under a spiritual contract. And it’s a contract of choice that has been made of our choosing with the assistance of God and our celestial helpers. This contractual agreement, we make prior to incarnating or being born into this life. Our agreement is binding. It’s a contract!!!! We have created it for our soul growth, which ultimately […]

Stand Your Ground You Know Who You Are

Today I was browsing the isles of my favorite clothing store.  In fact, today is my designated, thank you for being you Wendy and all that you do for you day.  And for that I’m giving back to myself.  What this translates to is, I’m going to shop till I drop, for whatever I want.   So, I’m browsing the isles looking at some, umm, how do I say this?  Really uuuugly stuff and I can’t but help over hear the conversation between the extremely peppy sales assistant and a new customer to the store. The assistant is seriously digging though the shirt isle.  Ladies you know the one I mean, the side wall that runs the length of the store?  Yeah!  That one!  Where the merchandise is displayed at three levels.  And woe is you, if you are attracted to […]

The Laws of Attraction Recipe & Pound Cake!

Many people have no real understanding of how to consciously make the changes they want to see in their lives using the Laws of Attraction or Spiritual/Natural Laws.  For many years I struggled with this and struggled hard.  And the truth be told, I still struggle, but in a different way. My struggle now comes from maintaining my conscious awareness of the power I have, in my spoken word, and that when my words are backed with passion and belief, it creates a slam dunk personalized recipe for conscious manifestation.  And, for that matter, when my words are unconsciously backed with passion and belief they manifest too. You see, it’s a little like this. To manifest on a conscious level it’s like creating a pound cake.  To create a pound cake there is a methodology, a structure and a process […]

6 Key Points To Making Your Relationships Stronger

Before you can experience a loving, romantic and an intimate relationship, this applies to both physical, mental and emotional, you MUST be crystal clear on what you are wanting  to experience for yourself within a relationship. Here are six key points that can support you in making all your relationships stronger. Key point 1:  It’s not about how you want your partner to show up in the relationship; it’s about how you choose to show up in the relationship.   Your partner will always take his/her cue from you. To find this information, you have to have an adult, loving, brutally honest, authentic conversation with self, so you can determine what you want for you and go for it rather than fly by the seat of your pants.   You have to know what you want to experience for self within the […]

Suspended Animation And The Laws of Attraction

According to Dictionary.com, suspended animation means; a state of temporary cessation of the vital functions. Sometimes in life, when you make choices that are not totally in alignment with what you are wanting, the result feels like you have flat lined. Leaving you existing in a space of suspended animation, where the thing that you expected to happen, doesn’t happen. Yet, frozen in place you keep waiting, wishing, hoping and praying that it will happen, all the while conducting a monolog filled with self recriminations centered on if I woulda, shoulda, coulda. Knowing at your core or at both conscious and subconscious levels it’s not going to happen, because it never was and it never will. And all the wishing in the world isn’t going to make is so. . The amazing thing about the spiritual and human experience is […]

Tips On Fitting In At Your New Job

Establishing yourself and fitting into a new work environment can be a challenge, even with knowing how to do the work standing on your head.  It’s a new work space, a new culture, heck it a new desk, PC and chair.  Everything is new, including you.  Prior to being hired you have no idea of what’s gone on or if one of your colleagues applied for the position and was turned down.  You can run into the “unfriendly” clique. When you first start your job it’s important to observe the culture and how the people work and interact.  Do a lot of listening to what your colleagues are saying, bearing in mind that you get to choose how you are influenced.  Whatever level you are employed at, don’t go in trying to change the culture, or insist on working the […]

The Difference Between Giving And Gratitude.

While many people may believe that donating to charitable organizations or offering support through another large gesture is an expression of gratitude, the reality is that is giving.  Giving back is an admirable personality trait to have and it makes people feel good about themselves. Not necessarily happy, but good.   True gratitude isn’t about giving back externally; it’s all about acknowledging self.  Gratitude shows up as an internal state of being, whereby you acknowledge that you are grateful for the way events have unfolded in your life. It’s important to note that there is a difference between donating and gratitude and it can be viewed like this.  I donate because I am blessed to have an excess of money and I’m choosing to share this with those who are less fortunate than me. That’s giving back and feeling good about […]

5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To Part II

In part 2 of 5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To we look at the remaining three belief systems that can support you in creating the life that you are wanting to live. Self empowerment begins with acknowledging without reservation that you are not broken, damaged or in need of being fixed by anyone or anything. You may have had many life altering experiences that left you feeling depleted, a little jaded and unsure of yourself.  By exploring what you are wanting for yourself, you can take any life experience and flip it, so that it becomes a stepping stone to get to where you are wanting to be.  Self empowerment requires clarity.  To find personal clarity you must have an intrinsic conversation with self, ask “What am I wanting to see as I look beyond this life altering experience?”  […]