Understanding The Universal Laws

Taking Inspired Action

Attractioners, There’s a difference between taking action and taking “inspired” action. You can be doing a lot of busy work and getting nothing done. Or you can do a little work and accomplish a great amount. Inspired action is when you choose to take a course of action that has been designed by you, for you, to literally move you in the most expedient way to your desire goal or manifestation. Inspired action comes from your intuition, a gut feeling, a hunch or that knowing or that sense of rightness that you get, when considering what your next step is in your process. Inspired action comes from your intuition or an insight.  To experience an intuit or insightful event literally means to be given accurate information attained from sources unknown, that is specific to you, and only you. Inspired action […]

How do We Help The People We Love Get Through Hard Times In Life?

In life, we want our loved ones to be happy, whole, capable and complete. This is a natural human response. We want to see them healthy, wealthy, content and wise, living a life that is a pure joy to behold and inspiring to be a part of.  However, in the real world it can be gut wrenching, mentally and emotionally disturbing and a little soul crushing, watching as their lives unfold one crisis after another. You see, wanting what you want for them and trying to make them do your bidding, no matter how forcefully or gently it’s put across, usually leads to the dissolution of relationships and friendships.  The bottom line is simply this, I can’t want something that I deem best for you to happen in your life, and expect it to happen, if you don’t want the […]

Day 7: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 7 Welcome to day 7 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Today we start the manifestation process.  Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Review your lists three times daily – morning, noon and night until your manifestation is complete.  Review your desired manifestation list first and then your gratitude list. Let’s Get Started 1: Upon awakening, use your simple breathing technique to connect and set your intentional focus. 2: Review-read and don’t skip anything your desired manifestation list, followed by your gratitude list. 3: At midday (your midday) review your lists again. 4: Before you go to sleep review your lists again.  If you read or watch television before going to sleep, the last thing you do is to read your lists. 5: Do not tell nor share this with anyone.  This […]

Day 6: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 6 Welcome to day 6 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Today we are reviewing our lists. Once again, take a moment to reconnect with your lists both front and back. Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Look over your list with fresh eyes and remember, withhold any judgment, criticism and negativity.   Remove anything that no longer seems relevant to you.  Add anything that comes to mind. Remember work from authenticity and brutal honesty.  If you add anything new, remember to define, refine and hone and place it in order of preference.  Add or remove anything from your gratitude list also. Let’s Get Started 1: Select a time where you can have 10-15 minutes where you won’t be interrupted. This includes being temporarily unplugged from social media and all electronic devices.  This […]

Day 5: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 5 Welcome to day 5 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Today we are going to enhance our energetic output by creating a gratitude list.  Once again, take a moment to reconnect with your list. Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Look over your list with fresh eyes and remember, withhold any judgment, criticism and negativity.   Remove anything that no longer seems relevant to you.  Add anything that comes to mind. Remember work from authenticity and brutal honesty.  If you add anything new, remember to define, refine and hone and place it in order of preference. On the back of your completed manifestation sheet, or on a new sheet of paper, write down all the things that you are grateful for in your life. Example, I’m grateful that I learnt to drive […]

Day 4: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 4 Welcome to day 4 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Today we are going to change things up on our list.    Once again, take a moment to reconnect with your list. Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Look over your list with fresh eyes and remember, withhold any judgment, criticism and negativity.   Remove anything that no longer seems relevant to you.  Add anything that comes to mind. Remember work from authenticity and brutal honesty.  If you add anything new, remember to define, refine and hone it. Get a clean sheet of paper.  In order of preference create a new list from the things and or conditions you want to experience in order of importance. What is it that you want to experience first? Let’s Get Started 1: Select a time where […]

Day 3: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 3 Welcome to day 3 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Today we are going to define, refine and hone our list. Depending on how many things you have on your list you may need to take more timeout to do this, allocate yourself 30 minutes.   Take a moment to reconnect with your list. Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Look over your list with fresh eyes and remember, withhold any judgment, criticism and negativity.   Remove anything that no longer seems relevant to you.  Add anything that comes to mind. Remember work from authenticity and brutal honesty. Now, let’s get specific by defining, refining and honing your list.  As an example on your list you have a car, which is wonderful, however just saying you want a car is very generic.  So […]

Day 2: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 2 Welcome to day 2 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. This process may appear repetitious. However, there is a method to this seemingly repetitious madness. Take a moment to reconnect with your list. Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Look over your list with fresh eyes.  Withhold any judgment, criticism and negativity.   Remove anything that no longer seems relevant to you.  Add anything that comes to mind. Remember work from authenticity and brutal honesty. If there is nothing you want to add or remove reread your list then put it away.   Let’s Get Started 1: Select a time where you can have 10-15 minutes where you won’t be interrupted. This includes being temporarily unplugged from social media and all electronic devices.  This may mean telling family, friends etc. that you […]

Day 1: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Welcome to  Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. I’m taking this moment to gently remind you, that you are the one who is responsible for making the choices for what you want to manifest in your life.  Attractioners, it really is as simple as that. I know that choice making isn’t easy.  And I do know from personal experience that random and not so random thoughts can muddy the waters when trying to find clarity.  Mind chatter has a way of creating self-doubt and can leave you wondering if you are worthy of what it is that you want. So to facilitate the process of getting clear on what you want for your life, I’m inviting you to join me in Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Over the next 7 days I want you to commit to […]

How To Stop Struggling With Self Praise And Accept It

Many people don’t realize that their ability to consciously manifest what they want in life is being hampered by their inability to receive and accept praise. You know the “attaboy or attagirl,” that people give when you have accomplished something. The inability to do this for self is a serious one. It has the atomic potential to undermine everything that you want, and wreck everything that you have. The Universal Law of Acceptance speaks to the energy of whether you believe you are worthy and deserving of the thing you have asked the Universe to bring into creation for you. You see, Attractioners, it’s understanding this nuance that makes all the difference in your world. To the Universal Creator, acceptance or non-acceptance is still, acceptance. Once again, you get to choose how you use the universal Law of Acceptance. Your […]