Daily Archives: June 3, 2018

Day 1: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Welcome to  Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. I’m taking this moment to gently remind you, that you are the one who is responsible for making the choices for what you want to manifest in your life.  Attractioners, it really is as simple as that. I know that choice making isn’t easy.  And I do know from personal experience that random and not so random thoughts can muddy the waters when trying to find clarity.  Mind chatter has a way of creating self-doubt and can leave you wondering if you are worthy of what it is that you want. So to facilitate the process of getting clear on what you want for your life, I’m inviting you to join me in Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Over the next 7 days I want you to commit to […]