Day 3: Let’s Figure Your Life Out In 7 Days

Day 3

Welcome to day 3 of Let’s Figure It Out In 7 Days. Today we are going to define, refine and hone our list. Depending on how many things you have on your list you may need to take more timeout to do this, allocate yourself 30 minutes.   Take a moment to reconnect with your list. Use your simple breathing technique to set your intention and focus.   Look over your list with fresh eyes and remember, withhold any judgment, criticism and negativity.   Remove anything that no longer seems relevant to you.  Add anything that comes to mind. Remember work from authenticity and brutal honesty. Now, let’s get specific by defining, refining and honing your list.  As an example on your list you have a car, which is wonderful, however just saying you want a car is very generic.  So let’s define this, a lot more.  Do you want your car to be used or new?  What color, make and model do you want? What do you want the interior to look like?  What’s on your license plate?  If it’s a house on your list, paint yourself a mental picture or each room, along with the front and back garden using your imagination. If it’s your health paint a mental picture of your what your perfect health looks like and feels like using your imagination.  Finances, relationships, career etc. use your imagination to visualize.

Let’s Get Started

1: Select a time where you can have 10-30 minutes where you won’t be interrupted. This includes being temporarily unplugged from social media and all electronic devices.  This may mean telling family, friends etc. that you won’t be available at XZY time.

2: Get your list and a pen. And remember the art of writing, using pen and paper is a powerful medium for manifesting.  Writing actually has the ability to connect you to what it is that you are wanting.  It can be the first step in experiencing what you want in tangible form.

3: Get comfortable and review your list.

4: Without judgment, criticism and negativity review your list

5: As you look over your list add anything that comes to mind.

6: As you look over your list remove anything that doesn’t resonate with you or feels awkward or you may have out grown in the last 72 hours.

7: Looking at each item on your list and define it. Refine it and hone it so your written word reflects what’s in your imagination.

8: Now when you say your car, your home, your health, wealth, love, career etc. you know exactly what you want.  It’s not vague…for you it’s crystal clear.

9: Put it away so no one but you has access to it. This prevents other people’s positive and or negative views becoming an influencing factor. This has to be totally about you.

Until tomorrow!

Click here to download your Simple Breathing Technique PDF