Understanding Choice

5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To Part II

In part 2 of 5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To we look at the remaining three belief systems that can support you in creating the life that you are wanting to live. Self empowerment begins with acknowledging without reservation that you are not broken, damaged or in need of being fixed by anyone or anything. You may have had many life altering experiences that left you feeling depleted, a little jaded and unsure of yourself.  By exploring what you are wanting for yourself, you can take any life experience and flip it, so that it becomes a stepping stone to get to where you are wanting to be.  Self empowerment requires clarity.  To find personal clarity you must have an intrinsic conversation with self, ask “What am I wanting to see as I look beyond this life altering experience?”  […]

5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To Part I

Having the right belief systems in place goes a long way to supporting yourself and empowering self.  It sets the automatic default for ownership, responsibility and accountability for making choices in the best interest of self; and that puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. Holding on to things that were taught to you as child that no longer serve you as an adult is limiting or disempowering. This type of belief can show up in your world in various ways, but generally, a limiting belief prevents you from taking right action in your life.   As a child being taught not to talk to strangers is something that was needed to keep you safe.  The reality is that behavior served you as a child and adolescent, but as an adult, not talking to strangers, no longer serves you.  […]

Gratitude In The Work Place

As an expert in the power of gratitude it’s important to understand the nuance between saying thank you and gratitude.  Let’s take a look at saying thank you.  Saying thank you and expressing appreciation for a job well done and or a project completed or for doing “your” job well, fosters self-validation within employees.  It states eloquently that they are valuable.   When your employees feel appreciated, valued and self-validated, even though they are receiving a paycheck for the work they do, they’re happy.   The verbal acknowledgement “thank you” simply states “I see you and all that you are doing to contribute to the bottom line…and it’s good” And when said with authenticity, this raises the morale of the work environment. Saying thank you and expressing gratitude has the ability to change the physical, mental and emotional dynamic of how people […]

Investing In Self Belief

Part of investing in you is believing in SELF. That belief allows you to move forward always seeing your end vision even in the face of turmoil. Without the investment of belief in what you are wanting to manifest for your life, your thoughts will become obscure. If you don’t have enough of what you need invested in “SELF” to bolster your belief in the final outcome, you can only use what you got. If you have more negative emotions in your reserve pool, that’s what you’ll act on. And of course that’s what you’ll manifest. The question for today is “What does it look like, feel like, sound like, smell like or taste like to invest in your belief in self?

Reframing How To Use Conflict In Your Life

Conflict in our lives has a greater purpose than just making us feel confused and or miserable. It creates in the forefront of your mind the need to look at contrasting and or opposing forces within a situation. Conflict supports you in recognizing that: 1) You don’t like what’s happening 2) You want something different 3) You need to look at your options 4) You must make a choice Reframing how you view conflict to 1) Acknowledging authentically that YOU…not anyone else, but YOU don’t like what’s happening. 2) Begin exploring your options by asking yourself, “what is it that I want to happen regarding this situation?” 3) Step into the answer that you have given to what you want to happen by using your 5 senses: What does it feel like? What does it look like? What does it […]

The Drivers Seat In Your Car Is For You

In order to be able to drive a car you need to learn the basic fundamental so you and your vehicle and the people around you will all arrive at the desired destination safely. It’s necessary to know how to stop your car in enough time not to cause a collision or to be able to avoid one. Knowing how to steer your car and keeping it on the correct course so you can get to your desired destination is a must. All the while as you are driving you are observing the road conditions giving you the opportunity to course correct…whatever that means, for you to get to where you want to be safely and in the time frame that you specified. Part of being able to consciously use the Universal Laws of Attraction effectively is understanding that you […]

It’s Not My Fault This Happened To Me

Everything in your life has come to you via choices that you have made. In fact during lectures and talks, when I have stated this fact people have walked out, become downright hostile, hurled angry words at me or burst into tears. All of them in their own way are saying, “that’s not true. I didn’t do anything!” My response to that is simple, “Oh! So you don’t think so?” Here is an interesting short experiment for you to try which will support you in seeing YOUR truth of this fact. Throughout my life when I would bitch, whine, moan, cry and complain, bitterly about an injustice that I felt had been perpetrated against me, much to my annoyance, my Mum would always ask the same question.  “What did you do!?”  WTF! LOL!  I didn’t actually say that to my […]

Stop Complaining About Everything

When something goes wrong, it’s easy to get sucked into a self created vortex of negativity.  Complaining to any and everyone who provides a sympathetic ear.  This type of behavior allows a small situation to spiral out of control.  Moving from a negative headspace to a positive one takes a few simple steps that requires a willingness to have an honest and authentic conversation with self.  The self-talk is based on a method of intrinsic questions that are designed to quickly and efficiently get people into a new and positive headspace under their own steam. And provide tools to stay there.  The questions are created around the following 8 tips/concepts listed below. Being open to having an authentic and intrinsic conversation with self Validation of your feelings Keeping your feelings your own: Ownership Letting go of controlling other people’s feelings […]

Things That Support You In Achieving Your Goals

The concept of a product, organizer or digital device supporting you in establishing better goals and reaching them is can be a tall order, if, certain preliminaries are not in place first.  It’s like Duncan Hines selling you a supreme ultra moist chocolate cake.  If you don’t have a understanding of your role in the process and all that you need to do to make the cake a reality, the mix is going to remain in the box and or at the very least you’ll be extremely dissatisfied with the outcome. It’s easy to say I want to lose weight.  But the goal when expressed like that is too large, it’s to ambiguous.  The questions that beg to be answered are, “How much weight? Do you want to do this with diet or just exercise?  Or both?  Do you want […]

The Potpourri of Life and The Universal Laws of Attraction

Click link to join us live http://bit.ly/potpourrioflife or call in on 646-727-2759 In today’s show we are using the Universal Law of Divine Flow to guide us and be in the moment. We’ll be talking about choices, energy, addictions, holistic healing, health, medication, entrepreneurism, nutrition, meditation and how this all rolls into the Laws of Attraction In Action and what that can mean for you. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore the potpourri of life.