Understanding Choice

Can Anyone Tell Me Where Exactly God Is?

Click link to join us live http://bit.ly/whereisgodlocated  or call in 646727-2759 Show airs live Wednesday 3/15/17 @ 1:00pm PST   You can also download this episode and more at iTunes. This is a question that believers and non believers have asked themselves for as long as man has been in existence.  Where exactly is God? There are raging debates about the existence of God; who, what and where God is located.  And yet, we have been told categorically God is everywhere, within you, in heaven, in the Universe…in that rock or piece of carved wood, above you, below you and everywhere in between. These questions have given rise to a global trillion-dollar self-help industry, and have kept the zillion dollar traditional church industry/ministries in business. From New Age to Evangelic Ministries and everything in between, including Wiccan and Paganism all claim […]

Get Off The Self-Help Merry-Go-Round To Nowhere

Click link http://bit.ly/selfhelpmerrygoround to join us live or call in to listen at 646-727-2759 You can also download this episode and more at iTunes. Stop! Enough!  No More Self-help Books, Webinars, Seminars Or Retreats Get off this self imposed merry-go-round to nowhere. How many more self-help books are you going to read?  How many more webinars and seminars are you going to listen to?  How many more retreats are you going to attend?  How much more advice are you going to seek before you take conscious and decisive action on what you want for your life?  Being a perpetual student of spirituality is a wonderful thing.  Consciously gathering knowledge filled with its latent power is a must, yet how much knowledge is needed before you take action?  You see, knowledge without action is just knowledge.  Taking right action on the […]

I’m Not Broken I’m Not Damaged And I Don’t Need To Be Fixed

Click link to join us live http://bit.ly/iamnotbroken  or call in 646-727-2759 When things go wrong in life, as they are apt to do, people naturally experience setbacks.  Sometimes this setback literally means that they hit rock bottom.  Sometimes the rug is pulled from under them and other times it feels like they have been render in two.  If you have experienced your very own personal setback and hit bottom or have been rented in two, it doesn’t mean that you are broken, damaged and or in need of fixing.  What it might mean for you is a fresh start with an excellent foundation to build on.  It’s all about your choices and your perceptions. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we explore what we can do when things […]

Am I Doing The Right Thing: Working At What I’m Good At But It’s Not My Passion?

Click the link to listen to our live podcast Am I Doing The Right Thing: Working At What I’m Good At But It’s Not My Passion? or call in 646-727-2759 Is what you are doing in life your passion?  Or is what you’re doing how you make money? The distinction between the two is important. There is a huge difference between the two.  And I can hear you asking, “But, can’t it be both?”  Actually, no, it can’t.  Many would disagree and disagree venomously, yet the Universal Law of Space clearly states that no two things can occupy the same space”at the same time.”  Many people have missed out on living their dream life because they have chosen not to pursue their passion.  “Get a real job,” they say. ”And do your passion on the side, you know, because artists […]

Blog: How Do I Start Getting My Life On Track?

From health to wealth to relationships, spirituality and careers people are always asking this question, “How do I start getting my life on track or how do I start getting my life in order?”  You fill in the blank…on track or in order; it’s all much of a muchness. Where to begin is a struggle that many people face daily and as a result they wind up doing nothing.  It’s a kinda stress out paralysis that gathers momentum because now they have added to the fact that they don’t know what to do to get on track with their lives.  They wind up in a wash that is doomed to go nowhere except around and around and around. By asking the question “how” indicates to the brain that it must rack itself to produce an answer.  And when it can’t […]

Whoa Slow Your Roll Sista Affirmations Don’t Work!?

Outside of the loss of a loved one etc. one of the most challenging things that we will experience in our lives is knowing what to believe. How do we reconcile what we know at a deep and intrinsic level, which is our truth, with a bill of goods that we are continuously being sold? Eat eggs, don’t eat eggs, walk 15 minutes daily, don’t walk, drink 8 glasses of water a day, drink your weight in ounces and on and on. These bills of goods are being packaged as OUR truth, even though they are counter-intuitive to who and what we are. As a Meta-physician and choice expert, I know the importance of doing “your own due diligence.” I understand and embrace the need to go within self and access the answers to life’s questions. So I was surprised […]

The Touchdown of Life

If life is truly a game, as it has been called, do you understand the rules of engagement for creating the life that you want to live?  Be under no illusion, there are rules in place that provide you with tools and boundaries on how to play this game called life.  These rules are simply the Laws of Attraction. The Laws of Attraction have been established by design to support you in your co-creation process.  Each Law establishes a boundary, not designed to hold you in or keep others out, but give you freedom for creative expansion of self in a safe place.  Boundaries allow you the place and space to safely play your game.  And Attractioners, win, lose or draw it is your game.  It’s your life!  It’s your choice! In order to play your game of life effectively, […]

I Have Risen

Did you know that when the reality of life doesn’t meet your chosen expectations you experience disappointment?  Have you ever been deeply disappointed?  Yes! Are you afraid for your future? Yes!  Does it feel like your foundation has been rocked?  Yes!  When earth shattering disappointment is experienced there is a tendency to look at your life past, present and future with this distorted ‘disappointment’ lens, reexamining all the painful situations that have occurred in your life. Is this normal? Yes. However be aware that there does come a point in time when the normal becomes the abnormal and with that comes psychological and physiological problems. Everyone reading this post knows what it feels like for the reality of life not to meet the desired expectation.  Disappointments!  Everyone has experienced their own personal crucible, or, if you will, their own trial […]

The Four Agreements To Close Out Year

Good Morning Attractioners: This book has come to my attentions several times over the last 3 weeks. Don Miguel Ruiz “The Four Agreements” Click here to get your copy from Amazon   So this is the book that we are going to finish this year out with. If you have already read this book. READ IT AGAIN! If you haven’t read Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements. Much of it is worth the read. It can, I feel, support you in laying out a foundation on how you may want to approach life, which has the ability to circumvent many of the obstacles that we place in our own way.   Don Miguel Ruiz in his book “The Four Agreements” lays out what appears to be a simple road map by which to live your life by. It’s important that […]

Free Life Coaching: Getting Ready For 2017 & Beyond

What do you want to happen for you in 2017?  It’s time to dust your old dreams off, rekindle your passion, create a plan and get in action.  Many people never realize their dreams or tap into their fullest potential, because they don’t know what to do.  They look at the end result in all its glory and simply become overwhelmed or underwhelmed.  Both feelings lead to a kind of paralysis that ends up in getting nothing done.  One week rolls into two which rolls into four and the next thing you know, it’s December 31st and you haven’t done a thing other than wish for the thing you want.  Whether it’s getting in shape, remodeling your home, going into therapy, learning a new language, becoming more spiritual, whatever it is that you want to manifest you’ll need a plan. […]