
Retreating Into Your Silence

Attractioners, a short while ago I decided to embark on a “silent retreat.” I needed a place and space to get clear on my intentions. I wanted to go to a “retreat” that specialized in doing silent retreats. However, the monastery that called to me in California was inaccessible, because mud slides had buried the road ways and there was no way in. I looked around for other places and I quickly realized that whatever I chose would be a sad second best. So over a period of six months, I planned and created my own silent retreat that would take place within the comfort of my own home. This included using my luscious back garden to physically connect with nature and mother earth, and the fire in my fire place to connect with that element, the tub and shower […]

Blog: It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know Isn’t It?

For those of you on the journey of finding self, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a cold hard fact.  In truth, it’s not who you know, it’s how you apply what you know, to experience the conscious manifestation of what you want for your life.  You can have all the knowledge in the world, yet if it is not applied in the right way, it’s just knowledge. It’s a little like faith without works or inspired action, is dead. The saying, “It’s not what you know, but it’s who you know” for many is a fact.  A vast majority of people from around the world are living their lives like this and don’t even realize it. And as a result, they continuously experience cyclic detriment.  Life’s good for a while and then kaboom they appear […]

Why Can’t I Get Over It & Move On?

Letting go of people, places and things, hurts, grudges and feuds is one of the greatest challenges you will ever face in your life. Why? Because in some shape or form your needs, wants and desires have been minimized and then trampled into nothingness and that doesn’t sit well with you.  So, you do the “work” necessary to support you in your process of letting go.  Diligently, you do the affirmations, positive thinking, and the stern self-talk.  You’ve created your very own pep rally and finally you tell yourself you’re done, and over it.  And life feels normal again. And then voilà, along comes a button pusher to check you, letting you know you are still firmly in “its” grasp.  With that comes an emotional tsunami that adds additional layers and questions as to why can’t I just get over […]

What’s Standing In The Way Of Your Happiness?

When asked the question “What’s standing in the way of your happiness?” many people can give a passionate monologue of all the things they feel are preventing their happiness from manifesting.  This is mainly attributed to other people who have done something or are doing things that prevent them from finding happiness. I will acknowledge everyone has a right to feel and does feel hurt, angry, disappointed, disillusioned, even stunned into doing nothingness as a result of a relationship or situation that has gone south. I’ve been there myself and expect that I will go there again.  Yet, with everything that has happened to you, it doesn’t give you the right to claim that people, places or things are standing in the way of your happiness.  That simply isn’t true! If you are making the claim that he or she, […]

Will You Pay The Price For What You Want?

In life there is always a price to pay.  The question is, ”Are you willing to pay that price for what you want?”  Many people when asked this question assume that payment is in the form of money.  Cold, hot, hard soft cash!  There is another form of currency and it’s called spiritual currency.  It represents the intangible energies that we trade  much like money represents the tangibles we trade in.  You don’t get something for nothing, even if it appears that way.  What are you willing to give to get what you want? Listen to this weeks episode of My Life My Choice later today @1:00pm PST on Blog Talk Radio Website: Facebook Group: YouTube: Vimeo: Twitter: Instagram: <?php MWD_load_forms(array(“id” => 3)); ?>

Is Divine Intervention A Matter Of Faith?

There are times in your life when you come face to face with a situation or problem that robs you of everything you have emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually of the energy to even draw your next breath.  Have you ever experienced this phenomenon? There are no words, there are no tears, there are no fears, just a blinding infinite nothingness and a numbness that lets you know you are alive and living by the Grace of autopilot.  It hurts to breathe.  It hurts to think.  It takes everything you have, and, I literally mean, everything that you have left inside of you, to marshal yourself to dig deep inside looking, searching, hoping and praying that you strike that vein of reserve energy that you weren’t sure existed. And yet as you were digging in the dark, you hoped that […]

Taking Action To Get What You Want

Good morning Attractioners. There is so much we don’t know about how the Laws of Attraction really works in the manifestation process. Yet, what we do know is simply this. 1:  Action of some sort is required on your part. You need to make a choice that you can get behind…or truly believe in. If you can’t intrinsically enmesh 3 of your five senses with the people, places and things you want to manifest in your life, chances are you don’t really believe it. You don’t believe at a core soul level that you are worthy of the things you want to manifest. And as the adage goes, “what you believe you will receive.” Where are you in your choice making process in regard to what you want for your life? Is it just a pipe dream? Or do you […]

How Badly Do You Want It?

A personal favorite of mine.  This story is a powerful metaphor for our lives and how we choose to live it! Many say that they want this or that and lament over what they get. But how badly do you want what you say you want? Some of you may know this story very well.  Some may have never heard it before. Whichever category you fall into, I ask that you embrace it with new or fresh eyes.  Look at it as a metaphor that can change your life should you choose to see it that way. An influential and wise old sage lived on the side of a mountain near a lake. It was common practice for the people of the village to seek his advice. The old man spent many hours sitting in front of his small hut, […]

Choose Your Victimology

This morning as I watched the glorious sunrise, I had an ah-ha moment. As dirty as my windows are, and they are in need of a serious window cleaning, the sunlight always finds a way to shine through. I thought to myself, no matter my external state of being, the Universal Light of God will always shine inside of me, because that’s where my light resides. Because I AM one with God. Illumination is an amazing thing. Just like the power of choice, “The Light” sheds light on possibilities, illuminating or shining brightly on pathways that make the potential for our desired realizations or manifestations real! We come here into this life with all that we need to live our purpose. Everything that has and is happening in life is happening “for us” and not to us. We get to […]

What Is It That You Desire For Your Life?

Everyone is on his or her own journey.  Each person in this dimension, we call earth is experiencing their “personal” “soulution” or if you like, evolution.  You are a pure expression of your energetic Universal unique frequency.  Each of us have our very own vibrational frequency.  It’s yours and yours alone.  It can never be replicated and therefore never duplicated.  It can never be changed, so nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken away from it.  For it, your vibrational frequency, is all that there is and all that there ever will be.  You are ONE with the source.  Your energetic frequency moves into form and out of form, creating and manifesting conscious and unconscious realities.   It can be interrupted as it flows with intention born of attention on the things desired.  But no one, not […]