You may be wondering why you can’t seem to get any traction on manifesting what you want in your life; from relationships to financial stability. From health to wealth, love, career, fame and fortune… you name it. Everything seems to be going fine, like it always does. Then like it always does, everything starts to unravel or it crashes and goes up in flames. Or the thing you want is within your reach and your fingers can’t quite grasp it.
“Yet another spectacular, epic failure!” Or is it?
Could it be that with all the meditations, affirmations, visualizations, following up on leads and all the things that you are doing to support your own success, could it be that you have missed something out? Could that something be fundamental to your ability to move forward in the direction that you want to go in.
If your batting average seems to be that 9 out of 10 things don’t work out right, or you always encounter a setback that literally brings everything to a screeching halt, perhaps you need to look at another area of your life. It’s important to be aware that there are things that we do, consciously and unconsciously, that we don’t give any credence to, which inhibit our ability to manifest. And the art of forgiveness is an area that requires attention.
Just so we remain on the same page, it’s not a case of what you are doing, but, it’s a case of what you’re not doing. What you don’t do is as powerful to any outcome as what you choose to do.
Your house is only as strong as the foundation that you build it upon. Creating a strong foundation isn’t limited to choosing the right materials, connecting with the right people or purchasing what you need. There is a mental and spiritual aspect to foundation building that often gets missed. Its understanding these nuances, the mental and spiritual aspects to foundation building that is the difference between success and failure.
We’re going to jump in with both feet. FORGIVENESS. This is one of the main reasons why people don’t manifest what they want in their lives, in addition to lacking clarity.
People will roll this phrase off of their tongue like it’s nothing, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget!” Yet, unbeknownst to the author of that phrase they have just placed themselves in bondage that has the tenacity of quicksand. Oh yeah, I’ve been there. In fact, back in the day it’s something that I would say until I realized how detrimental it was to my life and my ability to get what I want.
When making the statement, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget!” you’ve just put yourself and the Universe and whomever you are speaking to on notice that you are holding on to this experience and you intend to feed it with your precious energy. Energy, might I add that can be used elsewhere to create what you want for your life.
The fact that you have had your experience with whomever or whatever people, places and things means that it has become a part of your spiritual, emotional and physical DNA. It’s a part of experiential repertoire and it cannot be erased. You’ll never forget, even if you wanted to. Once it has happened it’s written in your book of life. Don’t confuse memory recall with your ability to remember. Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It simply means you are not accessing that memory recall.
So when you say, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget!” You have told the Universe what your intention is and where you want your energy to be focused. Harboring old hurts that are creating internal chaos doesn’t lend itself to manifesting what you want. It blocks the way. And it blocks in such a way that there is no going under over or around. It’s something that you must go through it so you can remove it.
The Universal Law of Forgiveness cleanses, levels the playing field and ensures that your foundation is the right one for you to manifest what you want.
Join our 21 day forgiveness project that supports you in unleashing your power to consciously manifest what you are wanting for your life.
Checkout the video below outlining the implementation of the simple forgiveness technique and download your PDF giving you written instructions by clicking [s3file s3url=”yoursimpleforgivenesstechnique.pdf” s3bucket=”loaia” ]here[/s3file]
Bonus: Click [s3file s3url=”simplebreathingtechnique.pdf” s3bucket=”loaia” ]here[/s3file] to download simple breathing technique
21 Day Forgiveness Project Introduction
Bullet Points For 21 Day Forgiveness Project
Day 1 Forgiveness Project
Day 2 Forgiveness Project
Day 3 Forgiveness Project
Day 4 Forgiveness Project
Day 5 Forgiveness Project
Day 6 Forgiveness Project
Day 7 Forgiveness Project
Day 8 Forgiveness Project
Day 9 Forgiveness Project
Day 10 Forgiveness Project
Day 11 Forgiveness Project
Day 12 Forgiveness Project
Day 13 Forgiveness Project
Day 14 Forgiveness Project
Day 15 Forgiveness Project
Day 16 Forgiveness Project
Day 17 Forgiveness Project
Day 18 Forgiveness Project
Day 19 Forgiveness Project
Day 20 Forgiveness Project
Day 21 Forgiveness Project
21 Day Forgiveness Project Introduction
Introduction to your 21 day forgiveness project. -
Bullet Points For 21 Day Forgiveness Project
Bullet points outlining the benefits and how the forgiveness technique works! -
Day 1 Forgiveness Project
Day 1 of our 21 day forgiveness project. How to carryout the forgiveness technique and recite the affirmation, with a bonus insight at the end. -
Day 2 Forgiveness Project
Day 2 of our forgiveness project. I know that it’s all going well. It’s important to understand several nuances that can act as obstacles where forgiveness is concerned. Today’s insight looks a burying verse addressing situations. Day 1 -
Day 3 Forgiveness Project
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you get a pass! Forgiveness is all about ME not you! Checkout day 2: Website: Facebook Group: -
Day 4 Forgiveness Project
Day 4 of your 21 day forgiveness project. Somethings are harder to forgive than others. Yet, because forgiveness is a choice everything can be forgiven. Website: Facebook Group: -
Day 5 Forgiveness Project
Can everything be forgiven? Sometimes it feels that way, but forgiveness is a choice, so, yes everything can be forgiven. -
Day 6 Forgiveness Project
If not for you, then teach your children the art of forgiveness. -
Day 7 Forgiveness Project
What role if any does revenge play in our ability to forgive? -
Day 8 Forgiveness Project
In Day 8 of our 21 day forgiveness project we take a look at anger. Anger can be a powerful medium for change or it can hold you in chains. -
Day 9 Forgiveness Project
Does the right to be angry mean you get a pass on forgiveness. -
Day 10 Forgiveness Project
If you forgive does that mean they have gotten away with "it"? Forgiveness neither condones nor condemns. -
Day 11 Forgiveness Project
When you forgive, do you feel that you will be betraying yourself and others? An important question to get clarity on. -
Day 12 Forgiveness Project
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are denying events or declaring something to be untrue, when it is true. There is really no space for denial in forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of what is true, so you are no longer held in bondage by it. -
Day 13 Forgiveness Project
How does not forgiving self serve you? -
Day 14 Forgiveness Project
Knowing what value forgiveness adds to your life can help inspire you to do just that....for give yourself. Because true forgiveness starts with you. -
Day 15 Forgiveness Project
Expression, freedom of expression = your authentic truth. Forgiveness promotes freedom to be who you want to be. -
Day 16 Forgiveness Project
Today is all about granting ourselves permission to forgive. -
Day 17 Forgiveness Project
Today's insight is in the form of a question. "What do you want to experience from forgiveness?" This is a valid question that requires "your" authentic answer. Once again, in order for you to give true forgiveness, you must first know what it feels like. -
Day 18 Forgiveness Project
Day 18 is all about the space! You must have space for new things to come into your life. It's up to you to create the space for it. -
Day 19 Forgiveness Project
Today is day 19 and many people don't make the connection that Forgiveness and success have much in common. In fact, without forgiveness in your life you will be hard pressed to consciously manifest what you want for your life. -
Day 20 Forgiveness Project
Day 20 and the insight is simply this, being unforgiving will cause you harm. It's like drinking poison and expecting someone other than yourself to die. -
Day 21 Forgiveness Project
Day 21 and we are going to look at the major benefit forgiveness has in the art of praying or affirming.