Daily Archives: May 7, 2017

Unleash Your Power To Manifest With Forgiveness

You may be wondering why you can’t seem to get any traction on manifesting what you want in your life; from relationships to financial stability.  From health to wealth, love, career, fame and fortune… you name it.  Everything seems to be going fine, like it always does.  Then like it always does, everything starts to unravel or it crashes and goes up in flames. Or the thing you want is within your reach and your fingers can’t quite grasp it.  “Yet another spectacular, epic failure!”  Or is it? Could it be that with all the meditations, affirmations, visualizations, following up on leads and all the things that you are doing to support your own success, could it be that you have missed something out?  Could that something be fundamental to your ability to move forward in the direction that you […]