Understanding Pain Mental Emotional & Physical

PAIN!  It can be our greatest gift, or our worst nightmare.  In fact, I take some of that back.  Pain isn’t our greatest gift, but it is our greatest impetus for change…and permanent change, should we choose. 

Pain, whether physical, mental, or emotional is a messenger.  An up close and personal messenger, that signals or signifies that something must change.  Pain lets us know that something has happened that requires our immediate attention, and that immediate action is required.   

Pain, all types of pain, whether mental, emotional or physical have a visceral reaction on the body.   And our bodies are our personal barometers, which provide real-time information on what’s going on in our lives, and what we are feeling about it. 

You see, you can dull the pain by external means, and that can actually allow you the space to make choices that eradicate the cause of the pain.  You can also dull the pain by external means never eradicating the underlying cause, and give PAIN permission to show up in other areas of your life.  Remember pain is a messenger of change.  And the messenger refuses to be killed.  In fact, it will not die.   It cannot return void from whence it came. Pain can only be transformed through change.

You can choose to rise above the pain, or as I call it, see beyond the pain, and choose to live there.  It’s the living there that requires creativity. There are so many Universal Laws that you can call upon to support you in this. 

I’ve personally found that once I AM clear on where I want to live, beyond the pain and free, that the Universal Law of Patience is the most powerful ally.  Pain usually has deep rooted origins that for total eradication to occur, well, it might take some time.  The Universal Law of Patience creates time within space for change, permanent and lasting change, to manifest.     

Getting out of pain isn’t easy.  Using your pain as an inspirational force isn’t easy.  Your pain has muscle memory, and like all living things that muscle memory is not happy to roll over and die, or a better phrase is, be transformed.  Pain’s job is to ensure that you’ve understood the message, implicitly.

However, getting out of pain is more than possible. It’s imperative for change. It first starts with you making a choice that you no longer want to be in pain.  Then knowing categorically what you want in place of the pain.  Nobody can answer that but you.  

If the cause of your pain is finances, relationships, career, body image, health, loss and the list goes on, you must be able to see beyond the pain so you know where to go, where you want to live.

So, I leave you with these three questions:

  1. What does it feel like to go beyond your pain and experience freedom?
  2. What does it look like to go beyond your pain and experience freedom?
  3. What does it sound like to go beyond your pain and experience freedom? 

 Go in peace, and live there, beyond your pain!

The Universal Law of Patience

The Universal Law of Patience allows things to manifest or unfold in a time frame that is conducive to success, and for the highest good for all concerned.  It prevents things from transpiring in a way that skips small steps, which undermine the goal or your desired manifestation.  The Universal Law of Patience provides you with the unique opportunity to experience and get to know “self” in a way that can only add to the cache of who you are.  It creates the space in which you can and will grow. Patience allows you to see your manifestation unfold before your eyes, and make changes where change needs to be made.