How Do We Gain More Spiritual Currency?

In my last post Does What You Think Mirror Your Life? one of the things, I shared was, “Don’t spend your spiritual currency focusing on what you don’t want. “

One of my Metaphysical sisters Diane asked me this question, “how to we gain more spiritual currency?”

The answer to that question is that you can’t gain more spiritual currency, because spiritual currency is infinite or endless. It’s energy! It comes from the infinite supply. There is no shortage of spiritual currency, or spiritual energy. It’s there for your taking, and has been made for you, to be used by you, for the purpose of supporting you in living your purposeful life.

Everything is energy. And energy always moves into form and out of form. Scientists have finally proven what we Metaphysicians have known for eons; energy can neither be created nor destroyed. However, we know that energy is malleable. We know that through word alchemy we initiate the energy to be trans-formed into a specific shape, vibration etc. which the end result is hopefully the desired manifestation.

It would be extremely remiss of me not to mention that depending upon your belief, you too are infinite, just not in this incarnation. In this incarnation, or the life that you are now living, you have access to as much, or as little spiritual currency or spiritual energy as you want.

What you don’t have is an infinite amount of time to spend that currency. Once again, in this life you are not infinite. This incarnation will come to an end. So don’t waste your spiritual currency on things that don’t matter to you. Spend your currency wisely. Spend it on things that you are wanting to experience in your life.

Having said all of that, I’ll put it into my nutshell. Don’t spend your precious time and energy focusing on things that you don’t want to experience in your life, or on things that you cannot change.

Understanding that you cannot change people, and for the most part places, and things, invest your currency in what you can do. You can change you by using the power of your spoken word, thus changing your experience with people, places and things. The saying, “first, you be the change you want to see in your life” is the best place to start when spending your spiritual currency.

I hope this answered your question.

Blessings to you and yours,
Dr. Wendy