Does What You Think Mirror Your Life?

The words in the meme are a manifestation concept that is challenging for many people to grasp as something FACTUAL in their lives.  And yet, it’s true.  It is an immutable governing truth that our life has always been, and always will be, an inside job with an external manifestation.  Meaning; what you think about with desire, talk about incessantly, imagine with longing, passion and knowing etc., is what will manifest into your life.  Where you choose to live within your mind and your heart is how you live your life.

Many of you have heard this saying before, and for some, today will be a reminder that if you want to experience something different in your life, you must first make that change within the theater of your mind, or within your imagination.   And then live it, within your mind, as a moving visualization.  That’s right live it as a moving visualization.  A visualization that is complete with a script that has been written by you, and is starring you.  It’s in full technicolor along with animation and sound effects. 

While this may seem or sound glib, cliché or totally ridiculous to some, it’s a fact.  What you choose to feel, think, or believe about this manifestation process doesn’t make it any less the truth.  It’s still an immutable governing fact, that where you choose to live within your mind and your heart is how you live your life.

A moving visualization creates a visceral response that engages some, or all of your five senses.  It is this emotional response that makes your imaginings real, or what you’re thinking about real.  Once something is real to you in your mind, it can and will manifest as something real and TANGIBLE in your life. 

Once again, do you want something different in your life?  Do you want to experience what you want to experience?  Then focus your attention and intention on what you want.  Don’t spend your spiritual currency focusing on what you don’t want.  Incidentally, that is the moving visualization that most people have running within the theatre of their mind; what they don’t want!   This leaves them asking “how the heck did I get here?”  Or “why is this happening to me?” and any other questions that reflect this sentiment. 

My question to you is simple, “what is your current moving visualization that you have playing within your imagination?”  Whatever your answer is, be it truthful or deceitful, this is what will manifest into your life.  The caveat is, what makes the visualization move is the authentic engagement of your five senses or emotions, which garner belief, knowing, faith and surrender to name but a few.   Without this engagement, no matter the detail applied to your visualization; it will remain just that, a visualization without movement, which then can be categorized as a passing thought. 

So, yeah, what you think will always, always mirror how you live your life!