What Is Whole Food And Plant Based Eating?
Do you know what whole food and plant based eating is?
Do you know what whole food and plant based eating is?
You can’t beat your truth into me. Just as I will not beat my truth into you. That is a pointless lesson in futility. I don’t want lip service or a compliant attitude regarding your views on my truths, which are sacrosanct.
Are you trying to correct all the wrongs in your life? Wrongs that others have done to you? Wrongs that you have done to yourself? Wrongs that you have done to others? And yes, you have done wrong to others. If the answer is yes, or sometimes, then you are trying to correct the wrong thing.
Each year on New Year’s Eve I go into the silence, to commune with God. I simply ask, “show me what it is that I need to know and work with for the next 365 days.” I don’t ask anymore, what I need to work on, but what I need to work with, to assist and support myself and others to be able to consciously manifest the desires of our hearts. And also, to have a greater and clearer understanding of the Universal Laws, how they work and how to work with them, maximizing their fullest potential. New Year’s Eve 2019 gave me the Universal Law of Grace. Whenever I thought about or used the word grace in reference to spirituality, I always thought about Divine Mercy, forgiveness, empathy or compassion. Or something along those lines; after all this is […]
e are fast approaching the end of what I can only call, an amazing and transformative year. As always, to know where you are going starts out with what you are wanting, and to a degree understanding or acknowledging where you’ve been…and being grateful for it! So, here is a list of questions that I have compiled for you.
When I saw an image of an axe facing the forest with a caption that said something like this, “Although the forest was shrinking, the trees kept welcoming the axe. Because the handle was made of wood, they thought it was one of them.” WOW! Profound
Finding the win-win in any situation no matter how devastating can be done, if you choose to do that. It requires a conscious choice, effort and in some cases using the brute force discipline. You see this all over the media. Someone has experienced heart wrenching loss in the most heinous way. Yet they are able to re-calibrate and use that experience for the betterment of themselves and others.
Let’s play the “what if game today” Picture this: You have all the money you need and more money than you can spend in this life time. Your children, family and friends, charities etc., will never want for anything that money can buy. You’re healthy and beyond wealthy.” My question to you is this, “what are you wanting to do with the rest of your life?” Your answer to this question gives you a clear indication as to what your true life’s passion is. This is where your energy, focus and attention and your intention must be placed…even if what you are passionate about appears to be far-fetched. The majority of us don’t listen to our intuitions, because of that reason. It sounds far-fetched. Yet we all have said, “I should have listened to myself ” and…meant it. Is there […]
Good morning Attractioners. Have you reconnected “internally” with what you are wanting to manifest in your life? What I’m saying is have you touched base or checked in with yourself to see if anything has changed? This reevaluation process has the power to bring to your conscious awareness things that are in your subconscious mind. Things that may need to be added or things that must be taken away. We are changing daily. Each morning when we arise, we are someone new. We have evolved into a different person based on our choices and the experiences we’ve had as a result of our choices; if you will, we are a new version of self. As a result of this, things that were important yesterday, no longer hold sway in our lives. So maybe with your desired manifestation the timing has […]
Attractioners, There’s a difference between taking action and taking “inspired” action. You can be doing a lot of busy work and getting nothing done. Or you can do a little work and accomplish a great amount. Inspired action is when you choose to take a course of action that has been designed by you, for you, to literally move you in the most expedient way to your desire goal or manifestation. Inspired action comes from your intuition, a gut feeling, a hunch or that knowing or that sense of rightness that you get, when considering what your next step is in your process. Inspired action comes from your intuition or an insight. To experience an intuit or insightful event literally means to be given accurate information attained from sources unknown, that is specific to you, and only you. Inspired action […]