Reflections on The Past 12 Months As You Begin Your Journey Into 2020

We are fast approaching the end of what I can only call, an amazing and transformative year.   As always, to know where you are going starts out with what you are wanting, and to a degree understanding or acknowledging where you’ve been…and being grateful for it!  So, here is a list of questions that I have compiled for you.

Note, each question is intrinsic by nature, and therefore, is designed so that you can use the power of the Universal Law of Reflection, to reflect on the past 12 months in a “positive” way, to support you in succeeding in designing your future.  And that’s 2020 and beyond. 

Part of this exercise is about finding and curating positive outcomes for everything you have encountered in 2019.  This is no matter what the situation or experience is and or was.  Can this be a challenge?  Hell yes!  Can it be done?  Oh My God, YES! 

Everything that has happened in your life, and I mean everything, the good, the bad and the bits in between, has happened FOR you, and not to you.   Remember this, life doesn’t happen to you, your life is happening FOR you. 

As you read through the questions, you will notice that there are only three questions that directly, ask you about 2020 and what you intend to do.  Why?  Why did I do this?  Because knowing where you have been, and choosing to embrace it as a positive will show you who you are.  When you know who you are NOW, you can apply that knowledge to who you want to evolve into being.  

You are here in this life, in this moment, living your life for a purpose.  You are not some cosmic accident of reproduction.  Your purpose in life, whatever that may be, is seeking you.   And whether you believe it or not, you are actively seeking it too.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. What are (or is) your greatest achievement(s) for 2019?
  2. What has been the greatest lesson you learnt in 2019?
  3. In what way have you shared your new found wisdom with others?
  4. What was the greatest challenge you overcame in 2019?
  5. And what does it look like to apply that knowledge to your life in 2020?
  6. What professional growth have you experienced for 2019?
  7. What personal growth have you experienced for 2019?
  8. What spiritual growth have you experienced for 2019?
  9. What one thing happened this year that pleasantly surprised you about yourself?  Ya know, that left you feeling like, “Damn! I’m actually good at this!”  Or, “Who knew I was capable of this!?”

  10.  What profound “ah ha moment” has brought clarity into your life and has forever changed you?
  11.  What was the funniest thing that happened to you in 2019?
  12.  In 2019, what have you done to give back to others expecting, nothing, in return?
  13.  What adjective (no more than 3) would you use to sum up this year?
  14.  What does it look like to incorporate “selfcare” in 2020?
  15.  And now the golden question; “What are you wanting for your life in the year 2020?”

The answers you choose to give should be honest and authentically you.  It’s not what you think the best answer should or shouldn’t be, but what your truth is.  Even if it flies in the face of all that you know and have been taught to believe.  It’s YOUR TRUTH!  And your truth will provide you with a workable blue print from which you can create your plan of action for 2020.

Click here to download questions