Dr Wendy Dearborne

What Is It That You Desire For Your Life?

Everyone is on his or her own journey.  Each person in this dimension, we call earth is experiencing their “personal” “soulution” or if you like, evolution.  You are a pure expression of your energetic Universal unique frequency.  Each of us have our very own vibrational frequency.  It’s yours and yours alone.  It can never be replicated and therefore never duplicated.  It can never be changed, so nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken away from it.  For it, your vibrational frequency, is all that there is and all that there ever will be.  You are ONE with the source.  Your energetic frequency moves into form and out of form, creating and manifesting conscious and unconscious realities.   It can be interrupted as it flows with intention born of attention on the things desired.  But no one, not […]

What Are Your Intention Toward You In 2018?

Where are you in relation to your existence?  That’s a deep question, which requires deep penetrative thought.   I’m going to ask you that question in another way.  What is the one word that sums up what you are wanting for 2018?  And if YOU haven’t given it any thought, my personal and professional opinion, as a choice expert, is that YOU MUST.  It’s not often that I tell people what they should do.  After all, everyone knows intrinsically what it is that they are wanting. Yet, I stand behind my statement.  If YOU haven’t given what you are wanting for 2018 any thought, my personal and professional opinion, as a choice expert, is that YOU MUST.  Why?  Simply put, your life is moving in a forward direction.  This is whether you choose to actively participate with conscious awareness of your […]

Why Worry! It Can’t Help You Anyway.

Earlier today I was researching on the Universal Laws of Abundance for my Wednesday podcast and for the lecture I’m giving tomorrow. Looking through my spiritual text and scriptures, I came across this and felt compelled to share, because many of us do exactly this. Matthew 6:27 Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his lifespan? Worrying is futile and a waste of your precious time and energy. Worrying sends you into a wash cycle that does not rinse, spin and dry. It just keeps washing and washing and washing. It’s like listening to the same news over and over again. It doesn’t alter the facts or situations. Worrying creates more hurdles and obstacles for you to get over. Once you experience that initial rush of fear based adrenaline. You know, the OMG PANIC…give yourself time […]

Do I Need To Adjust The Dial On My Self-Talk?

If your life has spun out of control or you are currently spiraling out of control and or your life is filled with an over abundance of drama or you are just plain and simply out of whack, you may want to consider adjusting the dial on your “self talk.” Now, Self Talk is that “seemingly” inane endless chatter that goes on and on inside our heads, 24/7…even when we are asleep.  It’s the way in which we communicate with ourselves about what’s going on in our internal and external worlds.  It’s the conversations and visualizations that we all have with our permanent resident “me, myself & I”. You see, yourself talk creates the balance in your life.  You cannot change people places and things, but you do have control over how you choose to think, visualize and respond. It’s […]

Are You Putting Up & Shutting Up To Get Through Your Life?

Are you putting up and shutting up just to make it through another day?  If this is true for you then you need to map out your life.  Do you have a map of your life’s journey? If you don’t, you should.  Without a map you will undoubtedly find yourself in a place where you don’t want to be. Married to someone you shouldn’t be, working in a job you shouldn’t be, living beyond your means when you shouldn’t be, experiencing ill-health when you shouldn’t be and generally unhappy with the life that you have lived and are living.  Are you putting up and shutting up? Many people approach life with the attitude that it will miraculously unfold with their best interests at heart. For those of you who understand the workings of the Universal Laws of Attraction or God’s […]

Are You Living In Your NOW?

You’ve heard that old adage, strike while the iron is hot.  That’s because when the iron cools you will be unable to form it into what you want.  You will have to conform to it.  The time is N.O.W!  This is what life is all about, being in and realizing your N.O.W.  We go through life not recognizing the power of N.O.W!  The most powerful thing in your life at any given time is YOU and being in the present and acting N.O.W! As a choice expert, I love acronyms. I feel that word association can make for a powerful memory recall that supports us in taking inspired action.   N.O.W is an acronym I use to illustrate to clients that no matter what has gone on or going on in their lives, there is always something positive to be learned […]

Why Can’t I Manifest What I Want?

It’s helpful having an understanding of how the Universal Laws of Attraction work together, whether you are wanting to use them consciously or not. The Laws of Attraction are natural Laws, Spiritual Laws, God’s Laws or your chosen deity’s Laws. These Laws are immutable and exacting by nature.  These two facts, immutable and exacting, say it all when it comes to the Universal Laws and how things unfold in our lives.   They, the Laws, exhibit the true meaning of detached involvement.  You see, the Laws are unemotional, unbiased and detached.  The Laws careless about gender, race, age, finances, good, bad, infirmities, diseases, disorders and believe it or not our spiritual or religious beliefs.  And yet, each Law individually and collectively are very, very much involved in our lives. The Laws have one function and one function only.  To take the […]

Are You Prepared To Slam Dunk Your Accomplishments This Week?

Using the Laws of Attraction takes action. #Attractioners, as you prepare for the coming week, what are you wanting to accomplish? Are you prepared to slam dunk “it” this week?  It’s important to get your thoughts organized in your mind.  Once you’ve decided what you want to accomplish don’t just think about it…write it down. There is power in reading your written word. That power activates the Universal Law of Imagination.  It doesn’t matter what you write it down on. It can be toilet paper, tissue paper, scrap paper, trash bag, your day planner or notes on your iPhone; you get my drift. Just write it down. Next, check in with yourself and your internal dialog. Are you asking yourself the right types of questions?  Is your internal dialog forward thinking leading to forward movement? Again, the questions and or your […]

God Doesn’t Test You

My mother had a saying whenever anything was going wrong, “that this is my cross and trial.”  The cross being something that you have to bear, carry or make your way through. And the trial could possibly be seen as the determination of guilt or innocence.  However, in this instance we are speaking of “trial” as an attempt or effort to do something or achieve a particular goal. We are in essence taking experimental action in order to achieve a desired result. God doesn’t test us.  Yet, we feel, that when we are going through trials and tribulations, which have all come about, because of the choices we have made, that we are being tested by God.  It matters not whether a choice has been made consciously or unconsciously.  It’s still a choice that you have made and the result […]