Monthly Archives: September 2017

Are You Living In Your NOW?

You’ve heard that old adage, strike while the iron is hot.  That’s because when the iron cools you will be unable to form it into what you want.  You will have to conform to it.  The time is N.O.W!  This is what life is all about, being in and realizing your N.O.W.  We go through life not recognizing the power of N.O.W!  The most powerful thing in your life at any given time is YOU and being in the present and acting N.O.W! As a choice expert, I love acronyms. I feel that word association can make for a powerful memory recall that supports us in taking inspired action.   N.O.W is an acronym I use to illustrate to clients that no matter what has gone on or going on in their lives, there is always something positive to be learned […]

Why Can’t I Manifest What I Want?

It’s helpful having an understanding of how the Universal Laws of Attraction work together, whether you are wanting to use them consciously or not. The Laws of Attraction are natural Laws, Spiritual Laws, God’s Laws or your chosen deity’s Laws. These Laws are immutable and exacting by nature.  These two facts, immutable and exacting, say it all when it comes to the Universal Laws and how things unfold in our lives.   They, the Laws, exhibit the true meaning of detached involvement.  You see, the Laws are unemotional, unbiased and detached.  The Laws careless about gender, race, age, finances, good, bad, infirmities, diseases, disorders and believe it or not our spiritual or religious beliefs.  And yet, each Law individually and collectively are very, very much involved in our lives. The Laws have one function and one function only.  To take the […]

Are You Prepared To Slam Dunk Your Accomplishments This Week?

Using the Laws of Attraction takes action. #Attractioners, as you prepare for the coming week, what are you wanting to accomplish? Are you prepared to slam dunk “it” this week?  It’s important to get your thoughts organized in your mind.  Once you’ve decided what you want to accomplish don’t just think about it…write it down. There is power in reading your written word. That power activates the Universal Law of Imagination.  It doesn’t matter what you write it down on. It can be toilet paper, tissue paper, scrap paper, trash bag, your day planner or notes on your iPhone; you get my drift. Just write it down. Next, check in with yourself and your internal dialog. Are you asking yourself the right types of questions?  Is your internal dialog forward thinking leading to forward movement? Again, the questions and or your […]