Monthly Archives: September 2016

Changing Your Trajectory With Vowels and Consonants

It’s amazing how your imagination, thoughts and words, can change the trajectory of your life.  Past, present or future tense, singular or plural each vowel, each consonant and each syllable that you choose to use plays a major role in how your life will unfold.  What sets them into motion are the choices that you make; and the choices that you make are predicated on what you are wanting for your life.  So my question for you today is simply this “have you defined your life or are you defined by life?” You see you get to choose if you define your circumstances or whether you are defined by your circumstances.  In other words, is what’s going on in your life controlling you?  Or are you in control of what’s going on in your life?  The nuance here is huge.  […]

Is Not Keeping Silent A Bad Thing For The Law of Attraction?

The Universal Law of Silence is multifaceted and malleable like all other Universal Laws, with the exception of one. Many people don’t realize the value and the magnitude that consciously choosing to keep silent has on how the Universal Laws of Attraction will work for them. You’ve heard the sayings, “silence is golden.” Or the proverbial adage, “if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” Or the one I love, “shut the bleep up!” When consciously using the Laws of Attraction there is a reason for maintaining your silence, and that reason is not about being secretive or sly or cunning. It’s about creating an energetic dynamic within self, so that you can communicate with your self or your Christ Consciousness, Higher Self, Your God Mind, Spirit or whatever term makes you feel comfortable. […]

The Drivers Seat In Your Car Is For You

In order to be able to drive a car you need to learn the basic fundamental, so you and your vehicle and the people around you will all arrive at the desired destination safely. It’s necessary to know how to stop your car in enough time not to cause a collision or to be able to avoid one. Knowing how to steer your car and keeping it on the correct course so you can get to your desired destination is a must. All the while as you are driving you are observing the road conditions giving you the opportunity to course correct…whatever that means, for you to get to where you want to be safely and in the time frame that you specified. Part of being able to consciously use the Universal Laws of Attraction effectively is understanding that you […]