We Still Carry These Innate Childhood Traits

Have you notice that children are so, so, so excited about life? Everything has a major wow factor.   I marvel at their ability to forgive, or let go and simply move on.  While an experience, whether good or bad will always be a memory, children have the uncanny ability not to let the memory of “that” experience get in the way of living and  loving. Wow! Was I like this once upon a time?  Were you?

There is a purity and honesty in the fact that children either like you or they don’t.  Either way, they’re plugged into their own Personal GPS and are listening to their inner guidance.  What’s amazing to me is that children don’t need to dig, justify or find a reason for what they feel, for them, it just “is.”  When did I lose that trait?  When did you?  Or did we? Don’t misunderstand me.  All children know right from wrong. But like any other person on this wondrous journey called life, regardless of age, they know that pushing the boundaries will support them in growing.  And what is life about in not personal growth?

In a nutshell, children are unpretentious.  Children are fearless, they are quick to forgive and move on. They are adventurous and excited about life.  A challenge is something to be experienced; something to learn from.  Something that will allow for self to be self motivated and inspired.. They are willing to love whomever and whatever without strings attached.  They are willing to accept love from whomever or whatever without strings.  They are generous in spirit which makes them exact in knowing what they are wanting to give and receive.  Children are honest in their expression and how they view and what they feel about life as it relates to them.  And they are not inherently prejudiced or bigoted in their views about people and their cultural, societal, religious and ethnic differences and living with those differences.  Don’t believe me!? I encourage you to sit and watch children from all different backgrounds play together.  There is a lesson in that.  The commonality is the joy of living and being together.

You came here into this life with those innate and inherent traits.  So where are they now?  As an adult, how are you using them to create the life that you are wanting to live?

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