The Amazing Miraculous Miracles Of Life

That which we call a miracle, that which we perceive as miraculous, always needs a vehicle for the miracle to be demonstrated through. 

What usually makes something miraculous? Is it things like Phoenix rising out of the ashes?   Perhaps man going to the moon?  Holographic music concerts?  A baby being born or someone surviving the odds, which were seriously stacked against them?  What would make you call something a miracle?  

More often than not, it’s when something happens where you could not consciously see the possibility of it happening, until after it happened.  Ya know, like 20/20 being hindsight and all that.  Or when you needed something to happen, but doubted that it would happen, and yet, it did. 

A miracle is about a personal journey of bearing witness to the unseen becoming the seen, right before your eyes.  It’s about your understanding of contrasts, and as I always say parallels.  It’s about watching something go from this point here, to that point over there and not get caught up in the process of how it happened.  Or how to deconstruct it or why it unfolded the way that it did.  A miracle is about being grateful for a miraculous event, or Divine Intervention, which has happened just for you.  A miracle is about bearing witness to God the Universal Creator or your chosen deity in motion. 

The Universal Law of Expectation
Creative manifestation energy moves and aligns with your desired thoughts, both conscious and subconscious. The creative energy cannot go beyond that which we can imagine.

FYI:  As quiet as it’s kept, your subconscious mind has many functions.  One of them is to act as life’s failsafe or safety net.  This allows miraculous things to happen for you on a daily basis without you giving them a conscious thought.

We experience miraculous events on a daily basis, and yet, we don’t take notice of them.  It’s not because we a jaded by life or that we take them for granted.  Nor are we ignorant to the fact that miracles do happen.  It’s because miracles are always happening for us.  We expect them!  Whether consciously and or subconsciously, we expect them.  And don’t get ‘em twisted.  Miracles might not always leave you with the trademark Hallmark movie warm and fuzzies.  Sometimes miracles are downright hurtful.  You see, miracles are all about keeping you on track with your purpose.   

The jaded and disbelievers of miracles, for me, actually believe in the miraculous, even if they don’t realize it.  They-expect-them.  Working from the proviso that nothing in this life that you are living is guaranteed, except the transitory state of death, everything that you experience in life is a miracle.

You expect to wake up tomorrow morning, because the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.  You expect to see a new day dawning.  You expect to continue living, walking, talking, laughing, eating, loving, helping, supporting, crying, trying, working, prospering, and partaking of the abundance that life offers us.  You expect to live your life based on the proviso that all the above and then some is guaranteed.  But the stark reality is none of the above is guaranteed, except the day that you transition from this life.   

So, you woke up this morning and experienced the new day dawning.  How about that as a starting point for viewing the miraculous in your life.  You are continuing to live, walk or ambulate, talk, or communicate, laugh, eat, love, help, support, cry, try, work, prosper and partake of the abundance that life offers us, then you’ve experienced the miracles that both consciously and unconsciously you expected.

Takeaway:  Working from the proviso that nothing in this life you are living is guaranteed except the transitory state of death, everything that you’ve experienced, everything that has unfolded for you this day, simply, yet eloquently states that YOU are the miraculous miracle in your life.  You are the vehicle that God The Universal Creator or your chosen deity uses to demonstrate your miraculous miracles through. 

You are a living breathing miracle!   The miracle of your life is YOU!

Dr. Wendy