Taking Action To Get What You Want

Good morning Attractioners. There is so much we don’t know about how the Laws of Attraction really works in the manifestation process. Yet, what we do know is simply this. 1:  Action of some sort is required on your part. You need to make a choice that you can get behind…or truly believe in. If you can’t intrinsically enmesh 3 of your five senses with the people, places and things you want to manifest in your life, chances are you don’t really believe it. You don’t believe at a core soul level that you are worthy of the things you want to manifest. And as the adage goes, “what you believe you will receive.” Where are you in your choice making process in regard to what you want for your life? Is it just a pipe dream? Or do you really want it? What is your intention towards doing the work, inspired or otherwise, to set the manifestation of the thing that you want into motion? You know Attractioners, if you don’t do this for yourself, make the choice and take inspired action, it cannot be done for you. So, today give yourself a gift and take timeout of your day to think about what you really want. Not what you think you need to survive, but what do you really want for your life? Health, wealth, money, relationships connection to God or your chosen deity? What is it that will make you happy. Make sure you understand what you are asking for. What you are claiming. If you are wanting to be with loved ones that have made their transition…make sure that this is what you want for your manifestation…to go be with them, because chances are they will not be coming back to live with you! If it’s money that you are wanting, wealth, power or fame make sure you understand what you are asking for. What you are claiming and the way in which you are doing this. Is it relationships or health? Do you know what you are asking for or claiming? Is it really what you want? Living the life that you want to live takes work. And that work starts with you and ends with you knowing what you want, choosing it, then making a choice to enmesh with it and doing the inspired action that comes with all manifestation processes.

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