Starting My Life Over Again

When your life comes to a grinding halt it’s usually associated with the loss of someone or something.  The feelings of loss could be as a result of a death, a divorce, a drifting away.  Out growing people, places and things or the thing that fit so perfectly before is no longer a good fit.  Whatever the cause your reaction is one in which you have experienced loss.   In the pain of that loss you have reacted in a way that it has shut you off or shut you down. The fact that you are still breathing means that there is still life left in you, and although you may be down you are not out.  As long as you are physically breathing, life will gather momentum and demand that you consciously participate in the direction you want to go in.  So how do you start your life over again?

Many will say, “You need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with life.”  Thanks! While I understand the analogy that doesn’t really help!  Or “Just put it behind you and move on.”  True; but equally unhelpful.  Many people will give advice based on things that I have worked for them or things that they believe can work.  However, the spinner in this scenario is worked for them. It’s important to fully embrace the fact that we are all different.

Don’t deny your emotions and how you feel. Honor and acknowledge them because they are happening for you.  In fact each and every emotion that you experience can be helpful in supporting you to get what you want.  Your emotions are telling you in an up close and explosive way what you don’t want.  Which, if you follow my work, means you have just told yourself what you do want.  What you do want is the antithesis or polar opposite of what you do want and vise versa. So don’t ever deny your emotions define your emotions by listening to what they are really saying to you.

You can accurately define your emotions by finding the common denominator, which in this case will be the one word that sums everything up.  I’m hurt.  I AM disappointed. I AM angry, sad, mad, enraged, lonely, betrayed, unloved etc.  You need one word and one word only.  More than one word will take you down multiple tracks.  So in order to stay focused you need one word to encompass everything that you are feeling about “the situation!”  Understand this is a process and you can go back and revisit as many one words as you like.  However, it’s just one at a time.  Remember the Universal Law of Space; two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time.  It’s important to be as raw and honest as you can, because this is the point at which your NEW start begins.

You need a starting point so you are not floundering or flapping around and leaving yourself spiraling in the wind.  You need something concrete to build upon.  Also, you need something that is intrinsically yours and not an anchor that someone has given to you. This one word, the word that you have chosen will give you your start point.  Your chosen word has the atomic power to remove all obsolete patterns that have created blocks in your life and explode and implode things that no longer serve you or you them.  This creates a clearing of sorts that allows you to move forward on which ever chosen pathway you want.

Your chosen word has the atomic power to remove all obsolete patterns that have created blocks in your life and explode and implode things that no longer server you or you them.  This creates a clearing of sorts that allows you to move forward on which ever chosen pathway you want.

But first, you need to figure out what to do with your one atomic word.  As self talk is one of the most empowering tools that you have, we are going to use self talk to start your life over again.

  1. (Your name), when you look beyond the emotion of (you fill in the blank with your one word) what do you want to see?
  2. (Your name), when you look beyond the emotion of (you fill in the blank with your one word) what do you want to feel?
  3. (Your name), when you look beyond the emotion of (you fill in the blank with your one word) what do you want to hear?
  4. (Your name), when you look beyond the emotion of (you fill in the blank with your one word) what do you want to taste?
  5. (Your name), when you look beyond the emotion of (you fill in the blank with your one word) what do you want to smell?

When you are able to answer one or all of these questions you have create your first concrete step in starting your life over.  At this point it may not feel that way, because it’s new.  Yet you have intrinsically created a point of clarity from which to work.  This is the precursor to a choice you have made for yourself subconsciously and now consciously.

For more information: Listen to My Life My Choice podcast by clicking link  or download free podcast at iTunes

Contact Dr. Wendy Dearborne