Let’s face it Attractioners, we won’t always do the “right thing.” Sometimes the wrong thing will appear seemingly unintentional, or seemingly done unknowingly. And other times wrong will be done intentionally, with laser like precision. But, whichever it is, you always add your chosen course of action to the content of your life. I’m not speaking about people’s reaction to what you’ve done. That’s a whole different ball of wax.
I used the word seemingly, because whether you have done something to people, places, and things, unintentionally or unknowingly, you’re still responsible for your actions. They-Are-Your-Actions! And those actions are added to the content of your life.
What does that mean, added to the content of my life? They, your actions or choices become a part of who you are and how you show up within your screen of space. Once added your actions impact how you then experience your life and the choices you make going forward.
And yes, I get the whole thing surrounding, “I didn’t mean to, or I didn’t know.” I get it. I really do. However, I didn’t mean to, or I didn’t know, doesn’t get you that good ol’ out of jail free card. It doesn’t miraculously absolve you from taking ownership, accountability, and responsibility for your choice. In fact, the reason why you did what you did doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t alter the fact that you did it. And Attractioners, you can’t go back and change it anyway. That’s impossible! Which brings me to another point, saying sorry doesn’t bring you absolution either, but that too is another ball of wax.
So, where does this leave you, me, us? Ironically, always in a better place, if, and only if, you choose to take that pathway. You can choose to take that experience that you’ve added to the content of your life, and use it to support you in manifesting what you want. Part of that process is in consciously taking ownership, responsibility, and accountability for everything that you have done, intentionally, unintentionally, knowingly, or unknowingly or otherwise.
When I speak of consciously taking ownership, responsibility, and accountability, I’m not talking about self-castigation, excuses, or self-blame. I mean simply owning what you have done, or conversely what you haven’t done. Then move forward with your life, using the experience to support you in honing your choice making skills to ensure that you don’t repeat that action or that choice again. You set your intention and keep your attention on making sure you don’t do it.
Dr. Wendy Dearborne