Benefits of Adopting A Win-Win Attitude

Finding the win-win in any situation no matter how devastating can be done, if you choose to do that. It requires a conscious choice, effort and in some cases using the brute force discipline.    You see this all over the media.   Someone has experienced heart wrenching loss in the most heinous way.  Yet they are able to re-calibrate and use that experience for the betterment of themselves and others.

What is the Laws of Attraction In Action Win-Win (LOAIA) phenomenon?   It’s a way to transmute or re-purpose experiences that you have had in your life into something positive, inspirational or motivational.  It’s a method of choosing not to be controlled and emotionally buried or paralyzed by negative situations in your life.  These situations surround your relationships with people, places and things.   Win-win uses the new positive energy, feelings or understanding to apply it other areas in your life, with the intention of creating success.  And heads up, you are the one who dictates what the new positive energy is.  This is an internal job which only you can do.

You subconsciously and consciously do all the above when you are wanting a new and positive experience that hinges on an old and negative experience.  Or when you use a past experience to help create something new.  A key point to remember is that transmuting or repurposing past experiences, into something new and positive, isn’t only applicable to negative or sad situations in your life.  It also applies to positive and happy situations too.    The LOAIA Win-Win phenomenon is about transmuting past experiences into new positively charged energy that will support you in the manifestation of what you are wanting to achieve.

 It’s important to me that you understand, so there is absolutely no confusion surrounding the pure intention, of cultivating the (LOAIA) Win-Win doesn’t mean that you won’t have an intense emotional out pouring.  It doesn’t mean that you won’t become murderously enrage or feel broken, hurt, confused etc.  Creating a Win-Win is all about making a conscious choice to put a positive spin on a negative occurrence in your life.   And then using that spin to create the momentum to manifest what you want.

Knowing when to start the process of transmuting negativity in your life to create a new and positive vibe, is crucial to getting this phenomenal process to work.  One good indicator is this.  When you literally say to yourself, and, or others, “I don’t even want to talk or think about…you fill in the blank…anymore,” and mean it, guess what?  Ta-dah!  You have naturally arrived at your cutoff point.  

Unfortunately, your cutoff point isn’t always arrived at so organically.  This means you must consciously create your cutoff point by giving yourself a timeline in which you stop rehashing the events with self and others.  Put a stop to the internal chatter and the external chatter.  Choose not to engage. Setting this intention and acting on it, serves to put the brakes on the emotional fallout that comes reliving past events over and over again.  By choosing to take control of how you want to mentally interact with a past experiences, sets the stage for LOAIA Win-Win.  This is called adopting a win-win attitude.

With the stage set, you can then ask yourself a series of questions.  What can I learn from this to support me?  What have I learnt and how am I going to apply this new learning to my life?   What am I wanting to experience in the future?  How has this experience helped me to understand myself?  What am I doing or what do I need to do? 

Attractioners, just so we are crystal clear; you’re not looking, per se, for a way to get over the negative feelings you’re experiencing about a painful event that has occurred in your life.   What you are looking for, is how to use that experience to better your life in positive, inspirational and motivational ways.  Understanding this nuance is important.  Stopping the negative feelings is not the same as transforming negative feelings into positive energy.  To stop the feelings and to use them!   

As emotional beings, you are apt to find yourself, conversing about the very things you claimed adamantly that you wouldn’t.  Don’t waste good energy berating yourself.  When you consciously say to yourself and others, “I said I wasn’t going to talk about this anymore and here I am doing it again.”  Remember, you are human and it’s natural.  Mentally thank yourself for the reminder and then adopt the win-win attitude by choosing in that moment to control your thoughts and where you are putting your energy.  Set the stage for the LOAIA Win-Win to be an integral part of your daily life.

As I mentioned earlier, people consciously and unconsciously practice Win-Win all the time by pouring “that dark, painful and or negative energy” into something creative that manifests into something beautiful.  That beautiful creation becomes a tangible force, which acts as a benchmark or milestone that you can touch with all your senses.  Take a moment to reflect on your life.  How many times have you unconsciously employed the Win-Win process?  I think you’ll be surprised.  And importantly, where can you use Win-Win in the life today this minute to begin the process of transmuting negative energy from people, places and things?

You can contact Dr. Wendy via email or call on
702 425 8589