Are you putting up and shutting up just to make it through another day? If this is true for you then you need to map out your life. Do you have a map of your life’s journey? If you don’t, you should. Without a map you will undoubtedly find yourself in a place where you don’t want to be. Married to someone you shouldn’t be, working in a job you shouldn’t be, living beyond your means when you shouldn’t be, experiencing ill-health when you shouldn’t be and generally unhappy with the life that you have lived and are living. Are you putting up and shutting up?
Many people approach life with the attitude that it will miraculously unfold with their best interests at heart. For those of you who understand the workings of the Universal Laws of Attraction or God’s Laws, you know that in order for an action/manifestation to take place you must first choose it. You have to ignite it. Sadly, most people don’t exercise this fundamental birthright and therefore arrive at an undisclosed and very undesirable destination, looking shell-shocked and feeling confused as to how this could have happened. This is the result of that kind of thinking.
People really do believe that their lives will miraculously unfold placing them in their personal vision of utopia. People don’t give a lot of thought to consciously living the life that they want live, until they unceremoniously arrive somewhere they don’t want to be. And that’s the irony, miraculously, then, everybody knows what they want. And I know this how? Because when they get to said unintended destination, they are fully aware that this isn’t for them and where they wanted to be.
There’s almost a put up and shut up attitude toward living, as imperceptible as it is, that state of mind is pervasive. People settle for much than they are truly worth in because of the limiting belief that, “you won’t get what you want in life, so why bother trying?”
There is a flip side to not choosing to bother trying to get what you want in life and it’s simply this; chances are, you’ll get. And if you don’t, the experience will lead you to something better.
Do you have a road map of what you want for your life and what you want to experience on the journey as it unfolds?
Mapping out your life isn’t as hard or inflexible as you may think. Life Mapping is all about creating a vision for yourself and the steps to take you on your journey. As it’s your map and your life you refine, define and discard as you progress.
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