Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Difference Between Giving And Gratitude.

While many people may believe that donating to charitable organizations or offering support through another large gesture is an expression of gratitude, the reality is that is giving.  Giving back is an admirable personality trait to have and it makes people feel good about themselves. Not necessarily happy, but good.   True gratitude isn’t about giving back externally; it’s all about acknowledging self.  Gratitude shows up as an internal state of being, whereby you acknowledge that you are grateful for the way events have unfolded in your life. It’s important to note that there is a difference between donating and gratitude and it can be viewed like this.  I donate because I am blessed to have an excess of money and I’m choosing to share this with those who are less fortunate than me. That’s giving back and feeling good about […]

5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To Part II

In part 2 of 5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To we look at the remaining three belief systems that can support you in creating the life that you are wanting to live. Self empowerment begins with acknowledging without reservation that you are not broken, damaged or in need of being fixed by anyone or anything. You may have had many life altering experiences that left you feeling depleted, a little jaded and unsure of yourself.  By exploring what you are wanting for yourself, you can take any life experience and flip it, so that it becomes a stepping stone to get to where you are wanting to be.  Self empowerment requires clarity.  To find personal clarity you must have an intrinsic conversation with self, ask “What am I wanting to see as I look beyond this life altering experience?”  […]

5 Empowering Beliefs To Hold On To Part I

Having the right belief systems in place goes a long way to supporting yourself and empowering self.  It sets the automatic default for ownership, responsibility and accountability for making choices in the best interest of self; and that puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. Holding on to things that were taught to you as child that no longer serve you as an adult is limiting or disempowering. This type of belief can show up in your world in various ways, but generally, a limiting belief prevents you from taking right action in your life.   As a child being taught not to talk to strangers is something that was needed to keep you safe.  The reality is that behavior served you as a child and adolescent, but as an adult, not talking to strangers, no longer serves you.  […]

Gratitude In The Work Place

As an expert in the power of gratitude it’s important to understand the nuance between saying thank you and gratitude.  Let’s take a look at saying thank you.  Saying thank you and expressing appreciation for a job well done and or a project completed or for doing “your” job well, fosters self-validation within employees.  It states eloquently that they are valuable.   When your employees feel appreciated, valued and self-validated, even though they are receiving a paycheck for the work they do, they’re happy.   The verbal acknowledgement “thank you” simply states “I see you and all that you are doing to contribute to the bottom line…and it’s good” And when said with authenticity, this raises the morale of the work environment. Saying thank you and expressing gratitude has the ability to change the physical, mental and emotional dynamic of how people […]