Daily Archives: May 4, 2016

I’m Sorry But; Isn’t An Apology It’s An Accusation

What happens when we don’t communicate effectively there is disintegration and undermining of understanding, which leads to irrational behavior.  When cooler heads prevail or hindsight is the new view finder lens an apology can be made.   This is where it can and many times does go radically wrong again. One of the most important things that any couple can do when apologizing is OWN their feelings. This isn’t even about owning up to what you or they have or have not done.  Let’s face it; for the most part, all parties are aware of what’s gone on.  It’s not like it’s a surprise. Let’s dissect it this way. When someone says “I’m really sorry that I shouted like that, but, you always make me so mad!”  There are three things that are fundamentally wrong with that apology. Shifting the blame […]

The Potpourri of Life and The Universal Laws of Attraction

Click link to join us live http://bit.ly/potpourrioflife or call in on 646-727-2759 In today’s show we are using the Universal Law of Divine Flow to guide us and be in the moment. We’ll be talking about choices, energy, addictions, holistic healing, health, medication, entrepreneurism, nutrition, meditation and how this all rolls into the Laws of Attraction In Action and what that can mean for you. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore the potpourri of life.

Aromatherapy Diffusion In A Confined Space

January 2016 at day care in Idaho, fire fighters were called out because the director of the center thought that the children and staff where suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. What had transpired was an overdose of essential oils.  Can that happen?  Oh yeah it can; particularly if people don’t know how to use the oils safely. As a master aromatherapist, I have seen a rapid increase in incidences like this one. When using essential oils in confined spaces, such as a car or room without ventilation or poor ventilation or even a room with a mass of people, it is vitally important that the right essential oils be used. Within such confine spaces, it might be best to use the more volatile essential oils or e.oils with top notes. This basically means that they dissipate very quickly.   Also, having […]