You Are Where You Need to Be

Where you find yourself now in this moment might feel uncomfortable.  It might leave you feeling hopeless, lost, hurt, numb, angry, confused or sad.  Or where you find yourself in this moment, in your now, might leave you feeling the warm and fuzzies, elated, excited, happy, positive, encouraged, raring to go, victorious and determined.  You may feel all these things and more. 

The nuance here is that where you find yourself now, is a steppingstone to where you want to go.  Where you are now is not a resting place, nor the final journey, unless you decide that it is.  Once again, YOUR life is all about the choices you make for yourself.

To illustrate my point, Hurricane Hawkins, is a 108-year-old woman, who at 70 decided she was going to start running.  Many said that she couldn’t do it, but she didn’t listen to the naysayers.  She listened to the voice inside, and realized that the place where she found herself was indeed her steppingstone to where she wanted to be.  She has participated and placed in the Senior Olympics and other track and field events that were held nationwide.

Ms. Julia Hawkins, a.k.a Hurricane Hawkins, at 105, broke the 100-meter dash record, in her age category.  In February, Ms. Hawkins turned 108, and while she didn’t participate in the 2024 Senior Olympics, she remains active and continues to inspire others to be all they can be.   For a minute, just imagine, if she let her steppingstone become her stopping, tripping or burial stone.   Where would Hurricane Hawkins be now? 

Attractioners, where you find yourself is just your moment in time.  Focus your intention and attention on where you want to be, not where you are.  And if you don’t know where you want to be, then let us look at what you don’t want for yourself in this moment. 

Once you can answer the question, what don’t you want for yourself in this moment, you can easily determine what you do want.  And that’s the antithesis of what you don’t want.   A brief example of this would be, “I don’t want to work nights anymore.  Or, I don’t want a job that takes me away from my family so much.”  You have actually found your steppingstone.  So, let’s step on it. You want a day job.  Working nights no longer works for you, that’s your starting point or your steppingstone, which is, I want a day job!

To expand a little bit further into your desired wanting, I’m going to ask you to paint me an imaginary picture of what it feels like, looks like, and sounds like having a day job.  Don’t focus on the actual job itself, but how working at that time of day makes you feel.  Authenticity is the magic that makes this process work.  Once you’ve answered all the questions honestly, then your imagination will paint you an authentic mental, and visual picture.    

Congratulations!  You’ve just created your very own personalized steppingstone, which is an instrument to move you forward in your life.  Being a realist I have to pose these two questions along with my answers.   “Is any of this easy?   Hell NO!    Can you do it?  Hell, YES, if you choose to!

Attractioners, if you take one thing from what we have shared today, I ask that it’s the working wisdom that the answer, or solution, to any problem, is found within the central core of the problem itself.  It is usually the antithesis, or polar opposite of what’s going on.  Example: “I don’t want a job that takes me away from my family so much.”  Once you’ve defined what, so much time means for you, then the solution is creating a job that gives you the time that you want to spend with your family.

I’m going to share a little secret with you.  Clarity in what you are wanting for your life is the key to going the distance required to manifesting it, or being blessed with it.

What steppingstone are you standing or sitting on, that is patiently waiting to support you in moving forward in your life?


Dr.  Wendy