When Acting In Opposition To Nature Is Counterproductive

Greetings Attractioners and Metaphysicians,

Allow me to briefly elaborate on today’s meme. For that I’m going to use the art of prayer or art of affirming to explain. Praying to God or affirming that you want a particular experience to happen in your life, or be made manifest in your life, but believing and acting with the expectation of it NOT happening, is you acting in opposition to nature. And when you live in the expectation of your belief, that is what you’ll manifest.

Acting in spiritual opposition literally means that there is no real expectation. And there is no real belief in receiving that which you have asked the Universal Creator for.

So, you can pray without ceasing. Or affirm a million times a day and never have your prayer answered or your affirmation manifest. This is why just saying words have no real power to bring into your life that which you say you want. They lack expectation and they lack true belief.

When you pray your words or affirm your words, you need to know what those words feel like, to you. You need to know what the thing you are praying for or affirming for feels like and looks like to you. You need to know what it smells like, sounds like or tastes like. You need to create an expectation that is really real to you, so you can believe it.

Attractioners, without being able to attach your five senses to your desired wanting, your prayers and affirmations are just vibrational words, without direction, intention and focused attention. They lack the aligning force needed to take them to the point of Creation. They lack the aligning force to take them to the point where, your word will not return to you void.

In order to have belief in your expectation, or an expectation that you can believe in, you must first engage your senses at a core level that is authentic and personal to you.

And how do you do this? Use your imagination. I’m not talking about pretending or play acting. I’m talking about creating a living breathing experience within your mind. It needs to be so real that it has become a part of you. And you’ll know this because you have lucid instances where you are already living the experience…before it has actually been made manifest, or moved into tangible form.

FYI: While you are creating within your imagination, you only focus on what you are wanting for your life, and not on what you don’t.

In closing Attractioners and Metaphysicians, I’ll share this; within this short blog, I’ve spoken briefly about invoking the Universal Laws of Attraction, Manifestation, Expectation, Belief, Opposition, Intention, Attention, Direction, Focus and Imagination to name a few.

Understanding God’s Laws, Natures Laws, Spiritual Laws or whatever term makes you comfortable is paramount to being able to consciously manifest at will or have your prayers answered.

Are you living in the expectation and belief that what you are praying or affirming for is already yours, even without current physical evidence that it is so?

Dr. Wendy