Transform Your Life

Transform your life

The primary Universal Law that we will be working with for this year is the Law of Transmute. Wow! This word, Transmute, has so much depth and meaning. It has the ability to free you from the past, and I really mean FREE you from your past, by using limiting beliefs and primarily negative situations that take the form of people, places and things as a catapult to manifesting what you want.

Transmutation of negative situations in your life, old and new, is like having a biodegradable friendly mechanism on spiritual speed dial, that when called upon, transforms every single thing that has happened in your life into usable energy that you can then use to create something new.  Something wanted.  The biodegradable transmutation speed dial mechanism transforms any emotional experience into something that can create a positive outcome. Especially what you consider to be the bad, the ugly, the painful, the mad and the just out and out sad.

Its purpose is for the recycling of unwanted life experiences that you’ve had with people, places and things, that cannot be changed, yet 40 years later still has you disempowered in emotional bondage.  While many people think that sorry absolves everything, I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t.  The Universal Law, God’s Law, Natural Law, Spiritual Law and even man-made law says “you can’t undo something that has already been done.”   However, it can be used as a catalyst to bring desired change into your life by repurposing the old into new and sustainable energy.

This year is about taking the gloves off and getting real with yourself and making the choice to change your life.  Whether you want health, wealth, love, business, joy, peace, change…whatever it is that you want, it starts with you.

Are you ready?  Let’s do this!