How do We Help The People We Love Get Through Hard Times In Life?

In life, we want our loved ones to be happy, whole, capable and complete. This is a natural human response. We want to see them healthy, wealthy, content and wise, living a life that is a pure joy to behold and inspiring to be a part of.  However, in the real world it can be gut wrenching, mentally and emotionally disturbing and a little soul crushing, watching as their lives unfold one crisis after another.

You see, wanting what you want for them and trying to make them do your bidding, no matter how forcefully or gently it’s put across, usually leads to the dissolution of relationships and friendships.  The bottom line is simply this, I can’t want something that I deem best for you to happen in your life, and expect it to happen, if you don’t want the same thing too.  You, must want it too.  Ask any parent or guardian if this is not a bonified fact.

We spend an enormous amount of time coaxing, cajoling, pleading, motivating, blackmailing, inspiring, bargaining, influencing etc., people we love or have a relationship with to do our so called, “right-thinking” bidding.  Why?  Because we feel, based on our personal experiences and our knowledge of them that we know what’s best for them.  The sad reality is, we don’t.  We don’t know what’s best for someone, even our loved ones.  Even if we think we do and ironically it turns out that what we thought actually came to pass.   Even then, we don’t really know, as each of us is on a unique journey.  It’s our individual journey, because this page in the book of life belongs to you, and only you, as it belongs to them and only to them.  This page has been allocated for you by you. Just as their page has been allocated for them by them. And as such, you and they are the creative writers of the text.

The key to helping someone, isn’t so much about telling them what to do, as it is how you choose to show up and help.  Help must come in the guise of meeting them where they are at and not where you want the to be.  Seeing them as whole, capable and complete irrespective of the turmoil that they appear to be in.

Click here to join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction In Action Coach and Olivia Lashley, Expression and Laws of Attraction In Action Coach as we talk frankly about helping the people we love.