Can I Right A Wrong?


Are you trying to correct all the wrongs in your life? Wrongs that others have done to you? Wrongs that you have done to yourself? Wrongs that you have done to others?   And yes, you have done wrong to others.  If the answer is yes, or sometimes, then you are trying to correct the wrong thing.

Quiet as it is kept, you can never correct any wrong, whichever category it may fall into. Look at correcting a wrong like this.  A surgeon amputates the wrong, leg, breast, lung, toe, eye, etc. and says oops and I’m so very sorry, will not correct that wrong. Neither does having you fitted for the world’s best prosthetic, free of charge.  That cannot make up for the wrong doing.

So, let’s try this experiment and see where it takes you. For 60 seconds, just acknowledge that you’ve been wronged and or that you have done wrong. Then, within that 60 seconds tell yourself that you are suspending all the emotional crap that usually comes spewing out as a result of you feeling about said situation. Just for a moment, in that window where you have chosen to suspend, judgement, anger, sadness etc. just the wrong situation for what it is.  Within that 60 seconds, tell yourself, “yup I was wrong and I was wronged and I have done wrong.  Okay!  So What?  What now?”

And that’s a power point.  Where are you choosing to go from here?   I know that many of you don’t want to hear this, “when things go wrong, and they always do you are being offered unlimited access to the Universal Creator to get your life right.” And just to be clear, you have had a major role in what’s gone wrong in your life.  “Ouch Dr. D!” Yeah, well wrongness in life offers untold opportunities for you to grow.  You just have to choose it.   But before you can even get to a place of choice you have to change the way you think.  WRONG things that occur in your life have the amazing potential to support you in getting your life right.  

My question for you is simply this, “what does it look like or feel like to use this wrong experience to make you wiser, stronger, better, independent, honest, happier etc.?”

Use your imagination to answer this next question, “what does it feel like to feel your version of the sweetness of life, instead of cynicism, anger and embitterment?”  
Imagine what it sounds like to hear yourself saying that this experience is only wrong if I allow it to desecrate and decimate my life?

Nothing is ever done to you.  Your life is always unfolding for you.  The truth is that your life unfolds in ways that are not warm and fuzzy.  This is to get your attention.  This is to move you to action.

If you are currently feeling down because you have been wronged, ask yourself what is “it” showing me or teaching or telling me?”