Are You Stuck Living In The Past?


Did you know that getting stuck within the emotional turmoil of your past, can make it difficult to move forward with ease?

Whether you want to or not, life will ALWAYS be moving you forward. It doesn’t matter how loud or how long you cry, scream and rage, or how deep you dig your heels in, nor how long you choose to lay in bed with your head covered. Life’s momentum is always a forward motion. Life NEVER moves backwards.

And as a quick FYI, you’ll continue to have certain experiences with different people, places and things as the Universal Creator supports you in ‘YOU’ making choices to move forward with ease and greater understanding. Ya know, it’s a bit like, “I always find myself in a relationship that I have been trying to get away from. Or I never seem to have enough money to make ends meet.” This is the Universe supporting you in moving forward with ease. It might not feel like it, but it’s true. But that’s a longer conversation for another day.

Our current paradigm isn’t conducive to going back in time. If this was a thing that we could do, ostensibly, most of us would not be living the lives that we are currently living. We’d be somewhere doing the cupcake and unicorn dance.

However, one of the best daily gifts that you are always presented with, is the option to use today’s experiences to make beneficial choices for tomorrow.

Dr. Wendy