Are Worthy Of What You Are Wanting In Your Life?

Attractioners & Metaphysicians,

Manifesting is really simple. It boils down to this. If you say something, but believe the opposite, you will manifest what you believe. This is true of everything from health to wealth, to relationships and everything in between that makes our lives, well our lives.

The irony here, is that the life that you are currently living, isn’t based on what you say. It’s not even based on what you do. The life that you are currently living is based on believing in what you say. Understanding the nuance, and the distinction here is huge, especially if you are wanting to consciously manifest things into your life.

Belief is the key to manifesting what you want! It’s one of the Universal Laws required for manifestation to take place.

Our words, whether spoken audibly or as an inner dialog, carry the same vibrational frequency. Belief is a vibrational frequency too. To invoke a manifestation, the vibrational frequency of both your words and your belief, must align and unite to become one vibrational stream of consciousness.

Stating audibly or silently what you are wanting for your life, and yet within your heart of hearts not believing that you are worthy of manifesting it because (you fill in the blank), means that you will not get that which you have asked for. You will in fact, set up the premise of manifesting what you believe to be true for you. Or put another way, what you believe is your worth. Do you believe that you are entitled to manifest or have that which you are asking for? Or do you believe that you should only get a portion of it because you are not worthy of it in its entirety?

And just so we are on the same page Attractioners and Metaphysicians, only you can truly define what your worth is. And what you define your worth to be IS your vibrational BELIEF about yourself!

Once again, no one on the face of this earth or within the celestial cosmos, as I, Wendy, know it to be, can establish or set your worth or your belief. Your acceptance of someone else’s belief about you is the only way that can happen. But that’s a conversation for another time.

So, my question is simply this, “is what you’re asking to manifest into your life, in alignment with what you believe you are worthy of having?”


Dr. Wendy