Monthly Archives: December 2017

Will You Pay The Price For What You Want?

In life there is always a price to pay.  The question is, ”Are you willing to pay that price for what you want?”  Many people when asked this question assume that payment is in the form of money.  Cold, hot, hard soft cash!  There is another form of currency and it’s called spiritual currency.  It represents the intangible energies that we trade  much like money represents the tangibles we trade in.  You don’t get something for nothing, even if it appears that way.  What are you willing to give to get what you want? Listen to this weeks episode of My Life My Choice later today @1:00pm PST on Blog Talk Radio Website: Facebook Group: YouTube: Vimeo: Twitter: Instagram: <?php MWD_load_forms(array(“id” => 3)); ?>

Is Divine Intervention A Matter Of Faith?

There are times in your life when you come face to face with a situation or problem that robs you of everything you have emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually of the energy to even draw your next breath.  Have you ever experienced this phenomenon? There are no words, there are no tears, there are no fears, just a blinding infinite nothingness and a numbness that lets you know you are alive and living by the Grace of autopilot.  It hurts to breathe.  It hurts to think.  It takes everything you have, and, I literally mean, everything that you have left inside of you, to marshal yourself to dig deep inside looking, searching, hoping and praying that you strike that vein of reserve energy that you weren’t sure existed. And yet as you were digging in the dark, you hoped that […]