Daily Archives: March 22, 2016

Your Life Is A Contractual Agreement With God

Click here to join live or listen to archives or call in on 646-727-2759 Have you ever wondered about the people in your life, especially those, who to put it mildly, you can’t abide to be around or being around them drives you to drink?  We make agreements with other souls, who are members of what is called our soul cluster and we are members of theirs.  The idea is that we’ll support each other to attain our highest soul growth, by what appears to be, any means necessary.   We are all in this dimension under a spiritual contract. And it’s a contract of choice that has been made of our choosing with the assistance of God and our celestial helpers.  This contractual agreement, we make prior to incarnating or being born into this life.  Our agreement is binding.  It’s […]