Wow! I Didn’t See That Coming

In order for you to get what you want in life and experience things that leave you feeling whole, capable and complete, happy, accepted, in control, self-empowered, self-inspired and self-motivated, you must understand how the Universal Laws of Attraction work. And then you must use them.

I was talking to my hubby, Dee, about this earlier. People condemn others for ____ you fill in the blank, not realizing that this is a form of self-expression…you just don’t say it…you actually become it. And so, when Universal Order is established, and the condemner now becomes the condemned, OMG! they are up in arms. Telling everyone who will listen,

“How could this happen to me?  I didn’t see that coming!

Really! Like really!? How could it not?

You see, you can’t hate these people or things over here and not have hate show up in your life, even if you feel that your hatred is justified, and it may well be. But understand me when I tell you, you give hate out and hate will express itself in your life in some shape or form, usually where you don’t want it to. It might show up in a relationship that matters to you. Or you may not be able to lose weight, or get traction on your business, sell your home, purchase a home or secure a loan. You might experience infidelity. It might express itself as ill health or the loss of someone or something dear to you. And look out, it can show up as multiple combinations.

Attractioners, you want what you want for your life wealth, health etc., then give health in the form of doing or give wealth not just finances, but give of the abundance of self to all. You don’t have to be a door mat. Just send out good vibes to all. Use a few seconds or minutes during your daily meditation time to do this.

Okay guys…you are meditating, aren’t you? LOL! Actually, you don’t have to meditate to do this. Take a few moments to relax and set your intention, that’s what you want to happen. Then imagine pushing send and let it go!