Daily Archives: March 6, 2017

Am I Doing The Right Thing: Working At What I’m Good At But It’s Not My Passion?

Click the link to listen to our live podcast Am I Doing The Right Thing: Working At What I’m Good At But It’s Not My Passion? or call in 646-727-2759 Is what you are doing in life your passion?  Or is what you’re doing how you make money? The distinction between the two is important. There is a huge difference between the two.  And I can hear you asking, “But, can’t it be both?”  Actually, no, it can’t.  Many would disagree and disagree venomously, yet the Universal Law of Space clearly states that no two things can occupy the same space”at the same time.”  Many people have missed out on living their dream life because they have chosen not to pursue their passion.  “Get a real job,” they say. ”And do your passion on the side, you know, because artists […]